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Author Topic: Coronavirus, how are you preparing for it and how it is affecting you so far?  (Read 465390 times)

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Really? Happens all the time in Virginia and even more often in States bordering Mexico. I know a Mexican guy who said for $150 an illegal can get an id with a working social security number so they can go to work legally. If illegals liked to vote for Trump, I'm sure you'd quickly change your tune from denial to anger about what Virginia did. Citizens have the right to vote but they should also be able to prove they have the right to vote by showing ID when they walking into a voting station.

And your conclusion is based on an article that was basically a cut and paste from a conservative group's report.  And even they couldn't conclusively state that the votes were illegal.  Plus, they stated "non-citizens", which includes legal permanent residents, to hide from the fact they couldn't find any evidence that illegal aliens voted.

Ms. Erickson was one of more than 5,500 noncitizens who were registered to vote in Virginia this decade, and were only bumped from the rolls after they admitted to being ineligible. Some 1,852 of them even managed to cast ballots that were likely illegal, though undetected, the PILF, a conservative voter integrity group, said in its report.

And Mr Erickson contacted the paper to state that Ms. Erickson is a US citizen. 

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More 'fake news' for BillyB ..

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there is only one reason for the most powerful man in the world to spout such - the greatest bait-n-switch show of all time must go on.

This is not the time for politics.   This is the time for war against the virus.   Having said that, I believe Trump is much more direct.  His job is to excite his base.  Obviously, with one poster on this forum, his tact has succeeded.  He could care less what the Democrats think.

On another note:  60% of the Democrats and 90% of the Republicans think that the Chinese have been lying to the world about the COVID 19 Virus and its origins.   Australia and Japan have already instituted anti-trade programs to shift their business away from China.   Japan is now paying its companies to offset what it saves them to do business in China.   People do not like being lied to.   Especially when their lives are on the line.

90% of the Chinese population believe that the United States is behind the COVID 19 Virus because that is the swill being doled out by the Chinese Communist Government.     I think it amazing that China uses Twitter and Facebook to advance their arguments to the world, yet prohibit their populace from using either.
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Who STILL thinks the virus crossed to humans in Wuhan .. ?

They MIGHT like to do a little more research ..

Offline BillyB

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Attack the facts Billy, not the messenger.  Here is another messenger:

I agree with the fact illegals have been voting and there is voter fraud. You deny it? I do not care to debate Trump's tweets that are scrutinize by fact checking sites that you're providing owned and staffed by Anti trump newspapers and journalists working for those newspapers. Those truth/factchecking sites were created to give the impression they are more honest and independent of media sources and they fooled a lot of people.

You recently submitted an article of a man who has the ability to register dogs and dead people in California and actually voted on their behalf. Is this acceptable to you? How hard is it for somebody to pull out ID at a voting station which California doesn't require. States like Virginia wants to remove that requirement too. Figure out why. If illegals were voting for Trump, I'm sure you'd change your tune on Virginia really quick. It shouldn't matter what side of the political fence you're on, it's wrong what Virginia is doing by making voter fraud easier and it becomes harder to catch violators.

Instead of finding fact checking sites that say Trump's tweets are wrong, how about showing fact checking sites claiming states like Texas aren't accurate in their assessments of voter fraud and then prove to me that those fact checking sites located outside of Texas has a better ability to figure out what is going on in Texas than Texas. I've seen the arguments there's no proof a single illegal voted out of 58,000 in Texas but those who claim that have not submitted proof that all 58,000 are citizens either.

More 'fake news' for BillyB ..

Did Obama make the investment he says is needed to catch airborne diseases that rival the Spanish Flu? The controlling CDC policies that came out after the Swine Flu which happened on Obama's watch actually hurt our ability to make test kits quickly. Obama talked the talk but didn't walk the walk.  Trump threw a lot of those rules away. But we shouldn't have needed to worry. We paid WHO up to $500 million a year to handle epidemics overseas and provide adequate warnings so pathogens don't come to our shores.
Fund the audits, spread the word and educate people, write your politicians and other elected officials. Stay active in the fight to save our country. Over 220 generals and admirals say we are in a fight for our survival like no other time since 1776.

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BillyB just proved that even when busted, he'll bluster and post nonsense

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It was you that tried to justify a brain fart with a seed and sprout off-topic tangent/distraction.

Since you didn't request a retainer agreement you'll just have to do your own research to prove your point.

The articles I posted provide enough data for you to research and they are free. 

The ball is in your court, not mine. 

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It was you that tried to justify a brain fart with a seed and sprout off-topic tangent/distraction.

When a liberal posts an article claiming Trump is trying to start a revolution in States during an epidemic, and a conservative say it's not true, Trump is simply complaining about the stupid rules of some governors that are actually pissing off State citizens, it's the conservative's fault for starting this? Do you share any blame for participating by providing more Trump tweets and anti Trump sources?
Fund the audits, spread the word and educate people, write your politicians and other elected officials. Stay active in the fight to save our country. Over 220 generals and admirals say we are in a fight for our survival like no other time since 1776.

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I think if I were working in a Coronavirus hospital I would be asking for footballers salary or I would walk. Seeing that I would be putting my life on the line and any family it would be only fair I would think.

No doubt they would pay you about the same as the football.
Probably kick you as often, too. ;D
Good women are not cheap
Cheap women are not good
(but they can be a lot of fun)

Online Trenchcoat

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It is pure idiocy to pretend you know better than scientific experts ... what do they tell you ?  STAY AT HOME ... not spread it around

To hear you suggesting support for front-line health workers whilst you can't listen to their pleas is another example of Trench's inability to relate, socially

Yes they have got it wrong, the 'stay at home' message is a numpty message spread by people that are too gormless to realise the idiocy of that message. You can't say 'stay at home' then have people out doing jogging getting in each others way, breathing all over each other, when that clearly isn't 'staying at home'.

The WHO have got it wrong, they are very poor scientists. They are not worth the money they are being paid just to announce when a virus becomes a pandemic, we knew that already way before they announced it. The UK should follow Trump's lead and withdraw funding from the WHO, god knows we could do with saving the money now and not wasting it there. They gave out BS statistics and tried to dupe the public then gave out bad advice. The US are lucky to have someone like Trump to tell the WHO where to go and not unthinkingly keep putting money into that waste of space.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

Offline msmob

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Yes they have got it wrong, the 'stay at home' message is a numpty message spread by people that are too gormless to realise the idiocy of that message. You can't say 'stay at home' then have people out doing jogging getting in each others way, breathing all over each other, when that clearly isn't 'staying at home'.

The WHO have got it wrong, they are very poor scientists. They are not worth the money they are being paid just to announce when a virus becomes a pandemic, we knew that already way before they announced it. The UK should follow Trump's lead and withdraw funding from the WHO, god knows we could do with saving the money now and not wasting it there. They gave out BS statistics and tried to dupe the public then gave out bad advice. The US are lucky to have someone like Trump to tell the WHO where to go and not unthinkingly keep putting money into that waste of space.

Ah, OK... Trench 'knows better' ..'Trampu' 'knows better' ..

There's nothing BS, now, about how this virus can strike down the most surprising healthy people - who without treatment - might die.

Once again, MANY people are asymptomatic- but they are carriers ..   We don't know the percentage, but figures from 30-80 percent are being banded about... ALL stats are 'BS', as we don't know enough... 

The people you tried to show empathy for ... heath-care and other workers, who deal with sick and possibly carriers who aren't sick, have BEGGED you to stay home ...

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The virus creates brain malfunctions which means half the forum needs to go get tested ASAP!
Fund the audits, spread the word and educate people, write your politicians and other elected officials. Stay active in the fight to save our country. Over 220 generals and admirals say we are in a fight for our survival like no other time since 1776.

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This is not the time for politics.   This is the time for war against the virus.   
There is the throw away line you are famous for. 

You are all about politicking and politics for the US under any and all circumstances.   

I just happened to be browsing about the internet....

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I agree with the fact illegals have been voting and there is voter fraud. 

 I seriously doubt very many illegals are voting.   They should be voting though.  The US intentionally has kept legal immigration to a minimum and now we have 15-20 million illegals here and their 20 million legal children as our workforce.  it is all set up that way.  The US has become a country were many aren't represented and I don't think it is an accident.

I just happened to be browsing about the internet....

Offline SteveInBoston

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Did Obama make the investment he says is needed to catch airborne diseases that rival the Spanish Flu? The controlling CDC policies that came out after the Swine Flu which happened on Obama's watch actually hurt our ability to make test kits quickly. Obama talked the talk but didn't walk the walk.  Trump threw a lot of those rules away. But we shouldn't have needed to worry. We paid WHO up to $500 million a year to handle epidemics overseas and provide adequate warnings so pathogens don't come to our shores.

Obama was in office 4 months when the swine flu emerged.  He didn't complain that it was the previous administration's fault.

Trump had 3+ years, with 2 years of complete GOP dominance in congress.  And he keeps complaining that it was the previous administration's fault.  How many years does he need to do his job and take responsibility?

Online Trenchcoat

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Ah, OK... Trench 'knows better' ..'Trampu' 'knows better' ..

There's nothing BS, now, about how this virus can strike down the most surprising healthy people - who without treatment - might die.

Once again, MANY people are asymptomatic- but they are carriers ..   We don't know the percentage, but figures from 30-80 percent are being banded about... ALL stats are 'BS', as we don't know enough... 

The people you tried to show empathy for ... heath-care and other workers, who deal with sick and possibly carriers who aren't sick, have BEGGED you to stay home ...

Mobe, the 'stay at home' message is being parroted around by those that don't understand it including healthworkers. It misses the point that it is socializing that spreads the virus and that is what should be more specifically targeted.

As for sad YouTube videos I don't have time for them, I spend my time more productively.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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How many years does he need to do his job and take responsibility?

Offline msmob

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Mobe, the 'stay at home' message is being parroted around by those that don't understand it including healthworkers. It misses the point that it is socializing that spreads the virus and that is what should be more specifically targeted.

As for sad YouTube videos I don't have time for them, I spend my time more productively.

Productively spreading the virus and you cross the country on non-essential journeys ..

The stay at home message is being promoted as LAW in your nation ..

Online Trenchcoat

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Productively spreading the virus and you cross the country on non-essential journeys ..

The stay at home message is being promoted as LAW in your nation ..

Why what nation are you in? Have you declared your Mother's abode as a separate enclave in the UK that is part of the Republic of Ireland, lol.

Mobe, no virus is being transmitted by me travelling alone and living alone in Wales, you prove otherwise.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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As I stated earlier in this thread Italy is heading for default:

Better not stay anonymous with those donations BC else the natives might turn against you as a foreigner, make it rain money in the streets and be surrounded by hot Italian chicks instead ;D
« Last Edit: April 20, 2020, 08:01:41 AM by Trenchcoat »
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Why what nation are you in? Have you declared your Mother's abode as a separate enclave in the UK that is part of the Republic of Ireland, lol.

Mobe, no virus is being transmitted by me travelling alone and living alone in Wales, you prove otherwise.

Dear Trench,

You have told us many times you are doing no wrong.

Here's a suggestion. Post on here that you are not breaking the law.....

Offline GQBlues

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Obama was in office 4 months when the swine flu emerged.  He didn't complain that it was the previous administration's fault.

Trump had 3+ years, with 2 years of complete GOP dominance in congress.  And he keeps complaining that it was the previous administration's fault.  How many years does he need to do his job and take responsibility?

Sheesh how easy you guys forget. Obama whined, complained and blamed Bush for everything under the sun, and he too had majority congress his first two years. He whined and complained his entire two terms.

Trump wasn’t complaining Obama neglected to restock PPEs like the N95 masks after the H1N1 pandemic, he was stating a fact. Huge difference. Fake news was spreading the notion it was Trumps fault for having depleted inventory in the national stockpile. Obama had 6 years to restocked what his administration depleted, he didn’t. 6 years!!!!

LMAO, hell compared to COVID, H1N1 was a ”JV” virus, no?
« Last Edit: April 20, 2020, 05:09:02 AM by GQBlues »
Quote from: msmob
1. Because of 'man', global warming is causing desert and arid areas to suffer long, dry spell.
2. The 2018 Camp Fire and Woolsey California wildfires are forests burning because of global warming.
3. N95 mask will choke you dead after 30 min. of use.

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Obama was in office 4 months when the swine flu emerged.  He didn't complain that it was the previous administration's fault.

Trump had 3+ years, with 2 years of complete GOP dominance in congress.  And he keeps complaining that it was the previous administration's fault.  How many years does he need to do his job and take responsibility?

Five years after Obama's Swine Flu experience, he gave a speech to a group of people according to Moby's video. Obama said a Spanish Flu may show up someday and we need to "set up infrastructure to see it quickly, isolate it quickly, respond to it quickly". Whatever Obama set up in the years after the Swine Flu didn't work for today's coronavirus. Did he propose more money in a bill to make it happen? The rule book at CDC did get revised after the Swine Flu in 2009. Obama may have even allotted more money to WHO to help with seeing things quickly but China wouldn't let WHO and the CDC see anything anyway.

Many times a President would give a speeches to a bodies of people, farmers, union workers, or in this case, probably infectious disease experts and the President will say all the right things in his speech written by somebody else. What is said and done can be two different things. If anybody can find me evidence on what Obama done more to fight a pandemic after the speech he gave listing what was needed, post it here. He talked the talk but didn't walk the walk.
Fund the audits, spread the word and educate people, write your politicians and other elected officials. Stay active in the fight to save our country. Over 220 generals and admirals say we are in a fight for our survival like no other time since 1776.

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More on fake news:

Lisa* Weija from CBSNews during the briefing yesterday tried to promote another fake news by attempting to accuse Trump of not reacting fast enough and declare a national emergency to prevent the pandemic hitting the US. Not true. Donald Trump himself declared national emergency, then banned flights coming from China when grim news broke out of China - despite what his administration's health department's recommendation. He was demonize for it, including Biden, and was called a xenophobe/racist. At that time, there were no deaths reported in the US. During the swine flu, Obama HIMSELF, didn't declare a national emergency until AFTER 1,000 Americans died of the virus 6 months later.

Trump, very wisely admonished Lisa* Weija for not doing proper research before attempting to advance another fake news. Shut that idiot up!!!

National stockpile inventory: Dr. Fauci's Congressional testimony when asked if the nation was ready for this pandemic and what current state of preparedness is the country in? His response was "it was a failing'! because of the Obama's administration incompetence for leaving this matter unattended after it depleted its' inventory.

Two weeks after Trump's declaration, Dr. Anthony Fauci himself was declaring there's no threat to the US AND Nanci Pelosi parading in SF's ChinaTown telling the public to come to Chinatown and there's no correlation with Chinese to the virus. We now know California's strain was the same strain from China. This was in total concert to Italy's actions of promoting a 'hug a Chinese' AFTER it banned flights from China. I guess they hugged these Chinese pretty tight, too. Consequently, we didn't take this stupid act serious enough and restricted flights from Italy fast enough, too. Trump can rightfully be blamed for that. But that's what we get when our own 'ally' doesn't give us the proper 'warning'. New York/NJ and the adjacent states took the brunt of that stupidity.

As for lack of testing, anyone with a half a brain should know by now it was the CDC who fumbled putting these test kits together.

As for the Democrats fake news claim that Trump 'defunded' CDC - chew on this. Despite Trump's repeated proposal to cut funding for the CDC, during this administration, funding for the CDC actually increased.

* ~I should Google more like everyone here. I could've saved time by getting the CBSNews' name correct the first time, ~
« Last Edit: April 20, 2020, 09:07:12 AM by GQBlues »
Quote from: msmob
1. Because of 'man', global warming is causing desert and arid areas to suffer long, dry spell.
2. The 2018 Camp Fire and Woolsey California wildfires are forests burning because of global warming.
3. N95 mask will choke you dead after 30 min. of use.


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