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Author Topic: Coronavirus, how are you preparing for it and how it is affecting you so far?  (Read 465306 times)

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It was a yes or no question, BillyB. Leaving it up to the doctor is not really standing up to your conviction. Forget yourself...if it was someone very dear to you that's in that situation (let's hope this never happens)...would you not try and administer the drug in case it actually works?

With what I know about HCQ, no I would not recommend it as a last resort on a person I love unless I know whether they are dying from COVID-19 or their antibodies. It's not a simple yes or no answer. There are factors involved and my answer depends on what a doctor tells me and if he/she sounds competent. It's best we get educated on these drugs instead of simply believing everything we read so we can make the best decisions for the people we love.
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I believe Hydroxychloroquine may help a few people under certain circumstances but will hurt more people than it helps.

You have formed an opinion before the clinical trials are completed and reported. 

You may be correct about the "will hurt more people than it helps," or you could be wrong.   Thus, you are thinking the same as Trump, just on the opposite side of the debate. 

And I did read your other responses with GQ.  BTW, waiting late to administer HCQ has not been as effective as using it early in the infection.     

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Since this is the place for spreading stories from the internet( we all know they are true)!!

Anybody hear of a new antibody cocktail called Covi- Shield?

Anyone for a cocktail????
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Offline msmob

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A statistic that constantly changes is to be questioned.
But statistics of ... 900 daily for over 1 month (Belarus) seems legit... :cluebat:

BY's stats 'legit'...?.... Even Russia's Pervy Kanal questioned them and the journos were kicked out of BY  :ROFL:
The UK's figures 'suggest' 36k dead, but in reality - based on the weekly death rate comparison and death certificates relating to non hospital / care-home deaths, it seems that figure is 45-50k !

We are watching the stats from the beginning and do not trust some countries as they report a stable amount of cases with minimal change daily.
Those countries where statistics seem reliable show variation in daily reports as well as a clear curve.

RF has a long tradition of under reporting bad news and stats .. ( under normal circumstances ) if you are dying - you are sent home to die .. the hospital mortality rate improves ( not alone to RU)

We have no waying if these 'off the record' reports are true, but there are regions with hot spots now making news on the jungle drums ...

As for death rates and even number of infections, yes it will be hard to obtain correct numbers in Russia due to the fact that many people do not go to a doctor or pharmacy until nearly critical. But I am sure that is true for every country, it depends on if the doctors care to test and if tests are available for those who died.

I most CERTAINLY disagree with the pharmacy visits ... Russians are mostly experts on medication and consult the pharmacist at the earliest opportunity..  IF you read the CRAP I got from friends asking if the Europeans had found certain 'remedies' to work, you'd have been scared .. ((

Wifey ? Her city has seen official death from COVID-19 at TWO - but then, the official records show c.400k for greater Sochi's population when the supermarkets know it's above 700k ... She isn't 'bovvered'... I WISH she was ..

« Last Edit: May 15, 2020, 01:38:25 PM by msmob »

Offline GQBlues

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Since this is the place for spreading stories from the internet( we all know they are true)!!

Anybody hear of a new antibody cocktail called Covi- Shield?

Anyone for a cocktail????

I'm not a drinker, but as long as there's Tequila in the mix, would be happy for a toast or two!
Quote from: msmob
1. Because of 'man', global warming is causing desert and arid areas to suffer long, dry spell.
2. The 2018 Camp Fire and Woolsey California wildfires are forests burning because of global warming.
3. N95 mask will choke you dead after 30 min. of use.

Online krimster2

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Jesus tap-dancing Christ on a cracker. 
Weeks after it became painfully obvious that “15 cases that will soon be zero” was proven to be the stupidest thing Trump’s EVER said.
Yeah, I know, we still had mainlining bleach to go, but still..
How fooking stupid are people to approve of the Orange She-It Stain?
and then you realize
how stupid the average person is and then further realize that half the population is even stupider than this.

just got off the streamcast with Nouriel Roubini
his talk was about the economy over the next 5 years
worse, much worse than the great depresshun
cuz we get that first, THEN followed by Weimar inflation in about 5 more yrs
total DESTRUCTION of the us economy
usa global anything will be completely OVER with by then
the dollar TOTALLY worthless
and the usa looks like an episode from a Walking Dead prequel
your country is not just going to be "broken" like it is NOW
fook NO!
it's going to be shattered...
and you're ALL going to vote for him again!!!

« Last Edit: May 15, 2020, 09:29:27 AM by krimster2 »

Offline BillyB

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You have formed an opinion before the clinical trials are completed and reported. 

You may be correct about the "will hurt more people than it helps," or you could be wrong. 

HCQ side effects are already known after years of vigorous clinical trials. This can be Googled. Some side effects include seizure, slow heart rate, weak pulse, pounding heartbeats, sudden dizziness, fainting, shortness of breath, or slow breathing (breathing may stop). This can spell disaster for a patient who's heart and lungs are already overworked fighting COVID-19. I will never out of desperation grab a doctor by the collar and yell at him/her to give HCQ as a last resort to help a loved one just because I read a couple of people in the news/internet recommending it. If I read 100,000 out of 1.1 million American doctors recommend it, I'll start believing we're on to something.

  Thus, you are thinking the same as Trump, just on the opposite side of the debate. 

Trump went silent on HCQ.  I think he's on my side now. Doctors around the world are pretty much silent on HCQ too. This month's snake oil recommendation is remdesivir to get people's hope up.
Fund the audits, spread the word and educate people, write your politicians and other elected officials. Stay active in the fight to save our country. Over 220 generals and admirals say we are in a fight for our survival like no other time since 1776.

Online Faux Pas

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Hydroxychloroquine alone or mixed with other drugs may have helped some people but it also can hurt possibly more people than it helps. When somebody is on the edge of living and dying, the side effects of drugs can push them to die.

Hydroxychloroquine and it's relatives are used to treat people with Lupus. People with lupus have immune systems that attack their healthy living tissue. One problem with people who have COVID-19 is that their immune system goes into overdrive and attack not only the virus but healthy living tissue. Hydroxychloroquine would help prevent that so in other words, it's not doing much if anything against the virus but it's suppressing the immune system. So if a doctor gave  Hydroxychloroquine to a patient who's immune system went into overdrive against COVID-19 they may find the patient benefits but if a doctor gives  Hydroxychloroquine to a person who's immune system is adequately fighting COVID-19, the doctor may help COVID-19 win. People who can battle COVID-19 in their homes are not going to ever get prescribed  Hydroxychloroquine because it would probably hurt you more than help like preliminary studies have shown. I believe Hydroxychloroquine may help a few people under certain circumstances but will hurt more people than it helps.

Offline GQBlues

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That report was from the same source site I posted upthread. Steve said AAPS is a conservative group so they possibly have a political agenda to advance whatever Republican initiative is being pushed. In this case, HCQ.

Steve may be right, but then the Wikipedia page he used demonizing AAPS tailed MSNBC's Rachel Maddow. The other source that demonized AAPS was The Atlantic. The same media that endorsed Hillary Clinton last election despite knowing her campaign was the one that financed the dossier that started the whole Russian collusion hoax.

Where we go from here based on these - who knows or care anymore....
Quote from: msmob
1. Because of 'man', global warming is causing desert and arid areas to suffer long, dry spell.
2. The 2018 Camp Fire and Woolsey California wildfires are forests burning because of global warming.
3. N95 mask will choke you dead after 30 min. of use.

Online Faux Pas

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That report was from the same source site I posted upthread. Steve said AAPS is a conservative group so they possibly have a political agenda to advance whatever Republican initiative is being pushed. In this case, HCQ.

Steve may be right, but then the Wikipedia page he used demonizing AAPS tailed MSNBC's Rachel Maddow. The other source that demonized AAPS was The Atlantic. The same media that endorsed Hillary Clinton last election despite knowing her campaign was the one that financed the dossier that started the whole Russian collusion hoax.

Where we go from here based on these - who knows or care anymore....

Yeah I know, sad but true. Unfortunately you can't show anything to someone who will not see. Further unfortunately there is a segment of population worldwide whose information can only be discerned through partisan eyes and ears.

On another note, here's a good read. Tell me what you think;

Offline Gator

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just got off the streamcast with Nouriel Roubini
his talk was about the economy over the next 5 years
worse, much worse than the great depresshun

Roubini has been pushing this scenario for some time. 

The only way we will go into a depression is if the nation follows the advice of  people like the LA Mayor.  He and many blue state governors  and Pelosi (maybe Biden too) want their citizens to stay home but have the government pay the massive number of unemployed resulting from such a policy.  And the media supports them with fear mongering, prompting people such as you to hide under their bed (sorry, in your case a tree house). 

Do you think it is fair that the red state people return to work and pay taxes to people in blue states who don't want to work?   Or those people in blue states who work today in essential jobs, making sure their unemployed neighbors have food, electricity, etc.?    This will be a campaign issue.   

your country is not just going to be "broken" like it is NOW
fook NO!
it's going to be shattered...

"your country?"  So your emigration to Russia is now official?   Why would you choose Russia if China is going to win?   

and you're ALL going to vote for him again!!!

As a non-American, it is no longer your business. 

Offline BillyB

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The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons wrote the statement April 20 nearly a month ago saying HCQ "appears" to work. That's old news and by using the word "appears" means they have doubts about HCQ.

Trump gave a live speech about vaccines that ended a few minutes ago. He thinks we'll have one before the years end but he said people shouldn't place all their hope in a vaccine and it's possible the virus may just go away as some viruses did in history.

Treatments were talked about also and HCQ was not mentioned. Trump talked about remdesivir a few times. That is the frontrunner. Trump has stopped talking about HCQ. He's past that and we should be too. Next!
Fund the audits, spread the word and educate people, write your politicians and other elected officials. Stay active in the fight to save our country. Over 220 generals and admirals say we are in a fight for our survival like no other time since 1776.

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Anyone for a cocktail????
Should we touch that one?Is there a link for that Corona Cocktail?
~There is no one more blind than those who refuse to see and none more deaf as those who will not listen~
~Think about the intelligence of the average person and then realize that half of the people are even more stupid than that~

Offline GQBlues

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Yeah I know, sad but true. Unfortunately you can't show anything to someone who will not see. Further unfortunately there is a segment of population worldwide whose information can only be discerned through partisan eyes and ears.

On another note, here's a good read. Tell me what you think;

That's a good read. Interesting viewpoint. Science after all is an open-ended attempt to explain our elemental world and how we relate to it within our environment. It is not, or should not, be absolute.
Quote from: msmob
1. Because of 'man', global warming is causing desert and arid areas to suffer long, dry spell.
2. The 2018 Camp Fire and Woolsey California wildfires are forests burning because of global warming.
3. N95 mask will choke you dead after 30 min. of use.

Offline LAman

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Should we touch that one?Is there a link for that Corona Cocktail?

Sure but I rather look at studies made by physicians that explain exactly the processes a....b...c...
I will look for somewhere there are actual studies for this. FDA approval and clinical studies needed

Spreading stories is what BillyB is adapt at..... oh well!!

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Offline GQBlues

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Dang LAman! I thought it was a real 'cocktail'. But it turns out to only be a 100% effective COVID antibody!

How disappointing!
Quote from: msmob
1. Because of 'man', global warming is causing desert and arid areas to suffer long, dry spell.
2. The 2018 Camp Fire and Woolsey California wildfires are forests burning because of global warming.
3. N95 mask will choke you dead after 30 min. of use.

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Dang LAman! I thought it was a real 'cocktail'. But it turns out to only be a 100% effective COVID antibody!

How disappointing!

Well GQB, put some Tequila in that cocktail and let me know how you feel!!! You may become a superhero!!
Life isn't tied with a bow, but it's still a gift

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Well GQB, put some Tequila in that cocktail and let me know how you feel!!! You may become a superhero!!
No way with Tequila. Only vodka can create superheroes.
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Shadow, ML and others that provided support to me for my cataract surgery, I want to thank you.  Your comments helped put me at ease for the surgery.  It had created a lot of anxiety in me beforehand.  Even though I was a little tense going into the procedure, as you guys described to me it would be a piece of cake.

For those that have not had the procedure done yet, I feel it is like a miracle.  My distant vision in my right eye seems to be perfect at distant vision and was told that the near vision in that eye will improve over time although will still need reading glasses.  Much like a friend told me about his surgery, one of the surprises was that the color of dark blues and aquas turned into bright blues in that eye.  In addition whites that looked more beige turned into very bright white .  I will probably need to turn down the brightness of my monitors and TV.  The colors look a little over saturated now.

BTW, i got the monocular lenses rather than the additional $3K per lens for the multi-focus option but because I am cheap but because my friend in Santa Barbara said if he had to do it over again he might go for the monofucus lenses because of artifacts he  has with the multi-focal lenses.  It appears that I might get away with discarding the tri-focal lenses and end up with the upper half of the lens clear and only have the bottom of the lens corrected for reading.  What a dramatic change in quality of life for a simple operation.

Thanks again for the support.  Expect to have surgery on the other eye ASAP.

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You are very welcome. Be sure to keep to the advise of not dong too much that causes pressure on the eye for the first six months, and do regular checkups. You will be good for the next 25 to 30 years.
No it is not a dog. Its really how I look.  ;)

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Dave Portnoy 2024!! Even Elon Musk was impressed. Will the real Americans please stand up!!!

Quote from: msmob
1. Because of 'man', global warming is causing desert and arid areas to suffer long, dry spell.
2. The 2018 Camp Fire and Woolsey California wildfires are forests burning because of global warming.
3. N95 mask will choke you dead after 30 min. of use.

Online Faux Pas

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Dave Portnoy 2024!! Even Elon Musk was impressed. Will the real Americans please stand up!!!


Online krimster2

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Deep Thoughts With Krimster

Feb. 15: 15 cases
May 15: 1,442,824 cases

There’s No Coronavirus Plan.
There’s Just Donald and Jared trying to decide whether leeches, crystals, bleach, or hydroxychloroquine work best on COVID-19 (disclaimer: don't use ANY of these)

go ahead and try running for office on a platform of taking away people’s health care, many of whom will be "essential workers". Or tolerating the condition that leaves nearly 28 million Americans with no health care at all. Yep, that’s the current Republican policy, led by Rump’s attempt to gut Obamacare through the courts. Good luck with that in November when the unemployment rate is over 20% and even MORE lose their health care while the worst pandemic in the last century starts into its biggest peak

ya see folks...
a tiny little virus is once again altering the course of history.
it has demonstrated the inferiority of human inventions in the destruction of human life.
and you are ALL, and I MEAN EVERYONE in DENIAL about what's "coming down the road" head on straight at YOU!

If we are not prepared to fight ignorance and STUPIDITY as actively and as thoughtfully as we fight any other enemy, then it will defeat us

fer instance,
bubonic plague has struck several times in the past 2,000 years, killing gazillions of people and altering the course of history.

The medieval pandemic began in 1331 in China. it killed half the population of China. From there, the plague moved along trade routes from Crimea to Europe, North Africa and the Middle East. In the years between 1347 and 1351, it killed at least a third of the European population. Half of the population of Siena, Italy, died.

Corona is an echo of this

In 1633, a smallpox epidemic among Native Americans “disrupted all the native communities in the northeast and certainly facilitated English settlement in Massachusetts,”

now it’s YOUR turn, and China will be facilitated by the plague instead of European colonizers

all righty now, thanks for listening


because Russians are gonna "Drug Test" me in August
i have been going drug free since yesterday
it feels weird...

« Last Edit: May 16, 2020, 07:18:24 AM by krimster2 »

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Shadow, ML and others that provided support to me for my cataract surgery, I want to thank you.  Your comments helped put me at ease for the surgery.  It had created a lot of anxiety in me beforehand.  Even though I was a little tense going into the procedure, as you guys described to me it would be a piece of cake.

We probably should have a separate thread for eye issues.
Good that your first eye job went OK Doug.
As a coincidence, I was just in yesterday for follow up with Retina specialist.
Anyone who is extremely near sighted, as I was, has an elongated eyeball.
Such an eyeball carries with it the high possibility of retina tearing and even detachment.
The good news was that my retinas looked the same as last year.
And, after the cataract surgery, my distance vision remains 20/20 in both eyes, although really had to concentrate to get that last line for left eye.

As eye joke:

Optometrist asked Czech man if he could read the line . . . .   Z H Y G W F B V
The Czech man said sure, I even know that guy.
A beautiful woman is pleasant to look at, but it is easier to live with a pleasant acting one.

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Dave Portnoy 2024!! Even Elon Musk was impressed. Will the real Americans please stand up!!!

GQB.....why don't you invite this guy to this forum!!! He's perfect material, he'll fit right in...…..
wants nothing to do with relationships or women and wants to bitch and moan about everything!!!
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