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Author Topic: Japtats Trip report  (Read 44429 times)

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Re: Japtats Trip report
« Reply #175 on: November 25, 2020, 11:35:46 PM »
So a lot has happened, i don't know what to say regarding each person, each experience. Nutshell: It has been fun , and a lot learnt.

I been quoted a few times regarding my tattoos/beard, i don't think tattoos and beards are liked in FSU, but i have a unique look, the hearts are from women, i can't be bothered to screenshot multiple conversations, but women are really loving my look now (it is only getting better as tattoos are coming along)

Once i finish my tattoos, and return to the gym, and do some other stuff, i expect things to get a lot better, i been super liked numerous times on tinder by very attractive women (They can only give out 5 a day, so i must be in their top 5 in that day). I was told by one of the women i see casually, she wants to do a photoshot with me , because i look like good .

I have noticed i am emotionally void, it is effective because women don't hurt me, i am able to move away from the women i don't like, and focus on the women i do like. I have some i see a few times a week, when i need something casual

« Last Edit: November 25, 2020, 11:40:23 PM by japtats »

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Re: Japtats Trip report
« Reply #176 on: November 25, 2020, 11:46:20 PM »
I have someone coming to me maybe this friday or next, it is someone serious. I explained to her why i am emotionally not open, and she understands, and is willing to work at it and make me more open. I like her, because she is VERY focused on making me happy, going to the gym, cooking, having a family, and such , she is 21. It started with her messaging me first, shocked by my look (Not the women above).

I had an experience with a woman recently which sums up why i am so different to Ukrainians. Basically my tattoo master has always told me , that my mentality is interesting and different. I am ambitious, strong, don't let failure to stop me, and ready to fight for what i want. I am focused , and take pride in whatever i do in life, and see it till the end, some traits that Ukrainians don't have, they tend to give up on life. He said he notices this in foreigners, whereas ukrainians are dull for him, lack drive.

I met a girl, she came to my place, we spoke 3 hours, it was a great conversation, but we had so many differences which reinforced what my artist said. She came up with excuses on why people don't achieve in ukraine, i told her my life story (like others), and they are always shocked how a guy like me exists, but there is a lot of victim mentality here, where they expect people to give up in life. After the date, she told me i am very interesting, but we don't' share the same outlook, i said this to my tattoo master, and he says he understands, that us foreigners are very different, how we view life and willing to work through failure. This was the common difference between me and her , she kept on getting frustrated because I didn't accept excuses. She understood that I was right , and kept saying her book said the same thing as me , but it is hard for people to truly accept that they can change their lives. Many people claim to be intelligent, because they can memorise a book, but cannot apply what is written in their books . The world has so much to offer, but people fail not at understanding the world, but actually fail at applying what they know they need to do . This is why some are better suited for jobs , it is easier when someone holds their hand

You really can't help some people, they want everything quick, but not willing to work for a long period of time, give their heart to what they want, and willing to grind it out for a long period of time. They come up with 100 excuses, and expect me to nod at those excuses. I came from a place much harder, more hopeless, and smiled in the grind, still smile working 80 to 100 hours a week . They cannot comprehend how I did and still do this.
« Last Edit: November 26, 2020, 12:20:23 AM by japtats »

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Re: Japtats Trip report
« Reply #177 on: November 27, 2020, 12:24:20 AM »
DragonKid, you are making a huge, huge, huge mistake covering yourself in tattoos. I cannot emphasize enough what a colossal mistake you are making by covering yourself in tattoos.

Seriously DragonKid, no more tattoos, you need to stop it. It is going to be much more difficult now for you to find a marriage-caliber woman with all of the tats. You can still do it of course, but you just shrank the available pool of women for marriage for yourself by probably 90 to 95%. Why would you just make it exponentially harder for yourself to find a high-quality woman for marriage by covering yourself in tattoos ??  (Face Palm)

The tattoos are fun for me, i had a panic attack doing my stomach, as i have a lot of nerves there. After i told myself i would never do my Ribs, as the Ribs are hell. 2 days later i told my tattoo master we will cover my ribs next week, with the biggest tattoo possible, that weekend i got both ribs done. I made sure there was no way i could back down, for me it is a game on how much i am willing to sacrifice to do what i want (pain, stopping the gym, sacrificing time).

A lot of people have successful businesses, careers, but that is all they have, one pillar. Some people go to the gym, great body, but that is all they have. Rarely can people do multiple pillars in life, and i want to do multiple pillars. For me there is no good or bad girls, there are girls you just don't get on with.

I had bad girls who were crazy about me, and then typical 'good girl', who didn't like me because they realised i wasn't going to go on 10 dates with them without sex talking about how much they mean to me.When you are good at what you do, you attract people who want you. I am focused on being the best i can be, i have seen it pay off, and i am no way done, i have a lot more to develop with these pillars.

The actual human potential is very scary, when the mind wants to push the body to its limits. I want to see how far i can go. I don't really know where it can go , but that for me is the fun part. Seeing how i develop , the things i had to do to get there, and the stories i will tell my kids

I advise men pursing FSUW not to get tattoos, not to have a beard. But i will those things , as they are for me, and i like them , and that is what matters, what i like, and attracting the people who can accept/like the things i have.
« Last Edit: November 27, 2020, 12:29:21 AM by japtats »

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Re: Japtats Trip report
« Reply #178 on: November 28, 2020, 02:03:41 PM »
Firstly what i post is a correlation, there are outliers. I think we all can agree when someone says something, they don't believe it is the absolute truth. Guess what, alot of science is correlations, not absolute truths.

Funny thing, last night i was talkign to a woman, she was from Kiev, never worked in her life, 24 years old, she said she didn't care what a man did for a living, wanted true love. She didn't care if a man lost it all, she would love him still. What do you think? A girl like that, dressed ellegantly, never worked a day in her life, first first tells me she is looking for true love. Do you think i should trust what she says?

What I think doesn't matter.  I'm not engaging with her.

I don't happen to believe correlations are particularly useful in human relationships. 

This post was composed without the aid of google.

I took these comments from another thread. basically i told this story to my tattoo master today (Guy in ukraine), when i told him the first part about how she said she was looking for love his eyes rolled, he basically seen these type of women often, ones who claim true love, keep talking about love in first few lines, not having a career , yet dressed elegantly. These are the correlations i was talking about, only type of women you spot if you been in FSU for a bit of time. He did say she may have had rich parents, but from our conversations, i doubt it, she was just very dependent on a man's income, and felt like the type to brainwash a man heavily with true love talks.

I did talk with a woman today that most would say is a 'good girl', but compared to the other woman, this woman didn't talk so much about love etc, but conversation was more natural etc, real 'good girls' are more natural with how they describe what they want, not over the top with the whole love aspect.

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Re: Japtats Trip report
« Reply #179 on: December 03, 2020, 01:51:14 PM »
I been stressing last 3 days, a girl told me she may have and STI. I use protection always, but bacteria is a possibility sometimes. Also i had a split condom issue a few weeks ago. She tells me today she had an STI, i ask her to send me the results, i screenshot it,s end it to my ex fiance's mother, who asks my ex fiance (She is a trainee Dr). I got told that is was all clear, i video with the girl, and turns out she was lying. I laugh hard, i thought my life was over, she wanted to come over tonight, but i think i just was some alone time for next few weeks.

I feel like i want a bit of time out from everything, part of me doesn't like the FSU, rather go back to the West. Date normal sort of women, where things are not so..... How to describe it? Feels like there are no real emotions in the FSU, i had women cry hysterically when i ended things with them, but actual love feels dead here.

I feel like an object at times, and not really a person who is truly appreciated. I want to get a dog, normal girlfriend, just do normal stuff. Maybe I am just overwhelmed because a lot is going on too fast , and I don't get much time to actually relax.

Last check up i had was maybe 2 or 3 months ago, i am going again tomorrow, just to be sure. But you can't even trust the doctors in FSU, prices are cheap, but they always try to upsell you, and it makes you lose trust in them. I rather if they were direct, charged me 30% extra, so i could trust them, without cheap little games
« Last Edit: December 03, 2020, 02:00:32 PM by japtats »

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Re: Japtats Trip report
« Reply #180 on: December 03, 2020, 03:30:56 PM »
I been stressing last 3 days, a girl told me she may have and STI. I use protection always, but bacteria is a possibility sometimes. Also i had a split condom issue a few weeks ago. She tells me today she had an STI, i ask her to send me the results, i screenshot it,s end it to my ex fiance's mother, who asks my ex fiance (She is a trainee Dr). I got told that is was all clear, i video with the girl, and turns out she was lying. I laugh hard, i thought my life was over, she wanted to come over tonight, but i think i just was some alone time for next few weeks.

I feel like i want a bit of time out from everything, part of me doesn't like the FSU, rather go back to the West. Date normal sort of women, where things are not so..... How to describe it? Feels like there are no real emotions in the FSU, i had women cry hysterically when i ended things with them, but actual love feels dead here.

I feel like an object at times, and not really a person who is truly appreciated. I want to get a dog, normal girlfriend, just do normal stuff. Maybe I am just overwhelmed because a lot is going on too fast , and I don't get much time to actually relax.

Last check up i had was maybe 2 or 3 months ago, i am going again tomorrow, just to be sure. But you can't even trust the doctors in FSU, prices are cheap, but they always try to upsell you, and it makes you lose trust in them. I rather if they were direct, charged me 30% extra, so i could trust them, without cheap little games

Yeah they end to plug for money, money and more money out there. It kind of gets on my nerves as well. Think with the girl I would be reluctant to see her again if she makes jokes like that doesn't give me an impression that she is a good enough character. Next time it might be for real.

The FSU culture can grate a bit after a while as I guess it's nice to be back in the culture we've grown up with every now and then. The way FSU society is structured I get the impression that, that's essentially the deal where relationships form not so much for love but mutual convenience. Guess the way it used to be back in this country back around the 50s/60s and before. Works on one level but it kind of pretends to deliver the Hollywood notion of love but in reality will at best only deliver mutual caring kind of love over time if that.

Many guys go to the FSU as they just want an attractive enough woman to fulfill the wife/mother to children role. They know they can't get that in the west to any decent extent and so at least it something. The height of it all is finding a girl who genuinely cares about you and doesn't just see you in the provider object role alone. FSU society is probably less geared up for that more for practicality than Hollywood romance. Reckon it might be more possible with everyday looking girls the impression I get is that the pretty girls in particular are looking at it as a 'I'm worth so much because of my looks so should get so much kind of exchange'. Western pretty girls will probably go more for the Brad Pitt looking girls on the other hand.
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Re: Japtats Trip report
« Reply #181 on: December 03, 2020, 04:01:05 PM »
But you can't even trust the doctors in FSU, prices are cheap, but they always try to upsell you, and it makes you lose trust in them. I rather if they were direct, charged me 30% extra, so i could trust them, without cheap little games

It may be that way in Ukraine but in Russia, the docs have always been very decent and honest. They've never charged me more or tried to upsell me in any way. Ask the locals what they recommend.
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Re: Japtats Trip report
« Reply #182 on: December 03, 2020, 04:05:56 PM »
Think with the girl I would be reluctant to see her again if she makes jokes like that doesn't give me an impression that she is a good enough character. Next time it might be for real.

She is just crazy, i know her type. She saw me have a near meltdown, she tried to calm me down. Her game was she wanted me to get fully tested and give her the results. She overthinks stuff, she is scared of pregnancy constantly, but we use protection, and i even pull out. She is just literally crazy, she wants a relationship with me, and talks about having a kid with me (like many women), but i don't trust them.

Many guys go to the FSU as they just want an attractive enough woman to fulfill the wife/mother to children role. They know they can't get that in the west to any decent extent and so at least it something. The height of it all is finding a girl who genuinely cares about you and doesn't just see you in the provider object role alone.

I only know 2 women who genuinely cared for me, both was in Russia. One i met when my first business went bust, i was low on savings, had no job, she took good care of me, genuinely felt for me. We planned on me going to Russia, and teaching english (I know i am terrible at English)

The other was my ex fiance, who supported me when i was still planning out my second business. The rest of these women cry that they care , love me etc But it just doesn't feel real. If i lost everything today, i have a feeling they will no longer be here. There is many that want kids with me, as i tick the boxes, but it doesn't feel like unconditional love.

At the moment i have a lot on my plate, so maybe it is just me. I am dealing with my tattoos, a tenant who owes me nearly $5000, the business stresses, it just feels like everything is so close to being the way i want it to be, but i have minor things i need to sort out. It feels like one last push is needed, and i need to dig really deep. I am doing everything i can to make it happen, but it is hard. My brother says i need to take timeout from work, a week doing nothing (he said not even tattoos hahhaa). But i don't feel like i need timeout, just things are tough and i need to grit my teeth and just get on with it.

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Re: Japtats Trip report
« Reply #183 on: December 03, 2020, 04:07:47 PM »
It may be that way in Ukraine but in Russia, the docs have always been very decent and honest. They've never charged me more or tried to upsell me in any way. Ask the locals what they recommend.

Yes, you are right, Russia is completely different when compared to Ukraine, even the women are different. Russia has deception, a russian woman told me this , but it is government ripping off the citizens, and citizens ripping off the government. In ukraine, it is a war against foreigners, and people amongst themselves and the government, nobody is getting any slack.

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Re: Japtats Trip report
« Reply #184 on: December 03, 2020, 05:51:51 PM »
Japats, whilst I am sorry about the sad STI scare, you need to understand

1/ a condom will not stop you getting a viral  STI like HSV Simplex I/II

2/ you should not sleep with folk on the first date until you go together to be tested.

I hope you get back ro sort your issues back home. You prove that living overseas and relying on income from back home is not a given.

I cannot agree with your generalisation re UA v RU women. I know UA women living in Sochi who are the salt of the earth. It has not been my experience that UA women, in UA, are less trustworthy.

I have even heard Russians disparage UA folk as untrustworthy, but when they live cheek by jowl, their prejudices evaporate.

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Re: Japtats Trip report
« Reply #185 on: December 04, 2020, 12:50:41 AM »
Japats, whilst I am sorry about the sad STI scare,


1/ a condom will not stop you getting a viral  STI like HSV Simplex I/II

2/ you should not sleep with folk on the first date until you go together to be tested.

You are right regarding point number, also viruses and bacteria can live on the body, hence why showering after sex is advised. Point 2 is correct, but not sure if feasible. I need to get myself/partner tested when we enter a relationship.

I hope you get back ro sort your issues back home. You prove that living overseas and relying on income from back home is not a given.

I luckily don't rely on this source of income alone. It just proves you cannot rely on people, wives, girlfriends, tenants and such . Fewer people you rely on the better. I want to invest in index funds, that was my goal at the start of the year, but getting this guy to leave has been a bit tricky.

Luckily i am a live in landlord. Once i sort this out, and invest in index funds, it will be a big relief off my shoulders, and i can focus on my passions. my business which i actually enjoy,

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Re: Japtats Trip report
« Reply #186 on: December 04, 2020, 01:00:39 AM »

I cannot agree with your generalisation re UA v RU women.

Everything i post is a correlation. A lot of hot young women try to scam me, but also i dated a lot of hot young women who had no intention of scamming me, and wanted to start a life with me. I can spot a correlation, but not believe it is an absolute truth. It takes an intelligent person to have two different views in their head, and take neither as absolute truths.

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Re: Japtats Trip report
« Reply #187 on: December 04, 2020, 06:18:12 PM »
Just met up with a 30 year old at my place , we had a good time . She is married, and was just looking for someone for sex . We spent around 4 hours together, I learnt a lot of Ukrainian lifestyle and such. Considered a good time and great learning

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Re: Japtats Trip report
« Reply #188 on: December 04, 2020, 06:53:44 PM »
Just met up with a 30 year old at my place , we had a good time . She is married, and was just looking for someone for sex . We spent around 4 hours together, I learnt a lot of Ukrainian lifestyle and such. Considered a good time and great learning

It’s all fun and games sleeping with married women until the husband finds out. Just ask my former childhood best friend, who I threw head first though a window and put him in intensive care. I met another guy online after sharing my story who killed his wife’s affair partner and did time for it. One punch to the face and he hit his head on concrete and he never woke up.

I lived with a serial cheater for 20 years and offer advice in several affair recovery groups..... I’ve seen a lot of men get the shit kicked out of them (some left with permanent disabilities), because they didn’t give a thought to how the husband will react. Often the most placid guy who’s been betrayed would have no problems burying you in a shallow grave if he could get away with it.

With the internet has come the best revenge for a betrayed husband or wife... The home wrecker sites. He puts your name on one and for the rest of your life anyone who googles your name or business in some cases, will see it at the top of the search list on these sites, along with your picture, where you live and graphic details of your POS behaviour.

I’ve seen women and men on the affair recovery sites publicly begging the betrayed spouse to remove them and threaten legal action (unsuccessfully) ....Literally they become unemployable, undate-able, have lost their businesses and become an utter embarrassment to their friends, family and children.

Is it worth ruining your life or even worse for a few hours with a women who’s not much better than a common whore?
« Last Edit: December 04, 2020, 07:50:36 PM by Davo »

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Re: Japtats Trip report
« Reply #189 on: December 05, 2020, 01:11:43 AM »
Wow, Davo !

I thought I was the only guy who got overly embroiled in relationship breakups involving stag head butts.

Mine was over my ex wife's to be playing fast and loose with access to my girls and he attacked ME for ruining his romantic weekend, while I had flown 2500km to see my girls with a court order for visitation rights that weekend and the baby sitter 'knew nothing' about it..

*I* got arrested and charged because he broke his nose on my head when trying to head butt me and cried to the Police and it took six months, 3 flights from Cyprus and two Court appearances for the sh*t show to be sorted and I walked free in a jury trial..unanimous not guilty verdict..

How on earth did you get away with the swiftly aided exit?)

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Re: Japtats Trip report
« Reply #190 on: December 05, 2020, 04:19:59 AM »
Wow, Davo !

I thought I was the only guy who got overly embroiled in relationship breakups involving stag head butts.

Mine was over my ex wife's to be playing fast and loose with access to my girls and he attacked ME for ruining his romantic weekend, while I had flown 2500km to see my girls with a court order for visitation rights that weekend and the baby sitter 'knew nothing' about it..

*I* got arrested and charged because he broke his nose on my head when trying to head butt me and cried to the Police and it took six months, 3 flights from Cyprus and two Court appearances for the sh*t show to be sorted and I walked free in a jury trial..unanimous not guilty verdict..

How on earth did you get away with the swiftly aided exit?)

Lol I would have loved to see the look on his face. This is what most guys don’t get. If  think with your dick and  mess around with another guys family you ultimately end up regretting it.

That wasn’t our break up, that was one of her first affairs when I was 22.

If you’re asking how I made a clean get away....I walked out of his front door and noticed him laying in a pool of blood (he’d severed an artery in his groin), then called the ambulance from a phone box anonymously.

I spent the next few days waiting to be arrested, but fortunately he kept his mouth shut. Probably had something to do with the fact he knew I was doing an apprenticeship at a business part owned by the Gypsy jokers MC.

One guy there I’d become good friends with and had a reputation as a standover man. When my work suffered that week I told him what had happened and without my knowledge my ex best friend was “persuaded” that it was in his best interest to leave the state. He moved to a small island of Queensland and only returned 5 years later.

I packed my bags, but my ex announced she was pregnant, so I struggled through a horrific 9 months not knowing if the child was mine.... It turned out she was.

Her last affair and the reason for our break up when I was 39 was equally violent. This time the affair partner and I both got a beating and yet again it involved bikies.

I suspected her of cheating again. One night she left me with our kids for her usual drinking and clubbing sessions on weekends. I’d dropped her off at a hotel not far from the a pub early in the evening. Her and her female drinking buddy planned to stay the night there.

At 12am I quietly snuck into the pub and spotted my ex with her friend an some random guys. One my ex was in a deep discussion with and I could see she was wasted as usual. The other 2 were rough looking guys (Rebels noms) and one was getting hot and heavy with my ex’s friend...They had only met that night.

By the time I ordered a beer an busted up the party my ex had spotted me and disappeared with the guy she was talking to. I chatted to her friend and the two guys. After some chat about boxing (I used to box in my youth and one of the new comers did too) my ex returned without the other guy.

Not long after they all decided to go to the hotel and didn’t have room in the car for me. I pulled my ex from the car and told her we are going home to our kids. She went off her head at me while waking towards the hotel. 100 meters down the road the car pulls up, the two guys get out and we went at it. I got a few good punches in but one got behind me and choked me out. I woke up in the gutter as the car drove off.

I was pissed and ready to kill these guys. I found a 2 foot steel pipe supporting a small sapling on the short walk to the hotel.

When I got close to the hotel there was some commotion. The guy my ex was with earlier sprinted into a nearby park and the two guys approached me. I made it clear that they wouldn’t be walking away this time, but they extended their hands and apologised. One said “I’m sorry mate, I’ve been thought the same BS with my ex wife”

They thought the guy with my ex was her boyfriend and I was just some random dude causing trouble. Back at the hotel my ex’s friend told them who I actually was and the guys kicked the shit out of my ex’s affair partner and now husband.

Funnily enough my old Gypsy joker mate who I’d lost contact with 10 years earlier contacted me a few months later and said “Davo I got your back”..... There was no need for more violence. By that stage I’d kicked her out, she was pregnant to the AP and I happily moving on. I even bought the guy a 6 pack of beer, shook his hand and thanked him for taking her off my hands.

She’d met him on Ashley Madison, but before him she’d met another guy on that site from Melbourne. He was a FIFO worker and would fly in on weekends to hook up with my ex. I found out about this affair, when a woman arrived at my door 6 months after my ex left. She was looking for my ex and wanted to kill her. Her husband was caught by the Ashley Madison hack and admitted everything. I never gave my ex up, just in case my children were hurt. It took 2 years until the woman finally gave up on revenge and moved on.

Another good story japtats about why you don’t fuck other men’s wives.....You could end up like the poor bastard in my situation and be trapped by a serial cheating party girl for the rest of your life. Women have exit affairs all the time, and in your case you have no idea if you were being used as an easy way out of her marriage or to make her husband jealous. Generally  cheaters have narcissistic tendencies so you never know exactly what’s really going on in their heads.... They are masters of deception and use their sexuality snare their next victim.

« Last Edit: December 05, 2020, 04:52:36 AM by Davo »

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Re: Japtats Trip report
« Reply #191 on: December 05, 2020, 10:16:38 AM »

Sorry you had to go through all that Davo. Thanks for sharing your story. I got a guy who works for me that frequents the bar. He was sitting at a table with a married woman who he later found out has a reputation for sleeping with lots of men. He did not sleep with her but as he sat at the table, her husband came into the bar and fired three shots at him before he was tackled to the ground by someone else. Luckily, all three shots missed.
Fund the audits, spread the word and educate people, write your politicians and other elected officials. Stay active in the fight to save our country. Over 220 generals and admirals say we are in a fight for our survival like no other time since 1776.

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Re: Japtats Trip report
« Reply #192 on: December 05, 2020, 01:12:01 PM »
you have no idea if you were being used as an easy way out of her marriage or to make her husband jealous

Being used for other reasons, in this case, the husband wasn't satisfying her needs, like many other men. Now she is satisfied, so when i tell men to hold thier load more than 10mins, it is for a reason. Men need to take care of their wives needs, and stop trapping women, she will flock away. But it was a good learning curve, regarding marriage, what can go wrong.
« Last Edit: December 05, 2020, 01:14:47 PM by japtats »

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Re: Japtats Trip report
« Reply #193 on: December 06, 2020, 12:44:27 AM »

You  tour of Ukraine has taught you how to find unhappy women who tell you they just wanted better sex that what you are suggesting you 'learnt' ?

Sounds to me these unhappy lasses would LOVE to meet older guys who become less trigger happy...

May be this 'skill' you think you have acquired means you got older, but not wiser, yet..?:)

You see..many ol 'gits will be reading your posts and wondering and smiling sagely...You just
 haven't realised yet;)

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Re: Japtats Trip report
« Reply #194 on: December 06, 2020, 01:26:07 AM »
In before Moby posts 100 photos of him as his ex wives, current wife playing in mud. Showing a glimpse of how they are all happy. Didn't SC breakup with you, and sell her wedding dress? Woudln't she be ex wife number 3? Moby how many ex wives are you looking to get? Soon your ex wife count will be more than the women i slept with.

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Re: Japtats Trip report
« Reply #195 on: December 06, 2020, 01:40:43 AM »

It constantly amazes me how you react when some of your more 'interesting' theories' are questioned.

I am not making any claims in relation to your 10 mins.. I was stating fact )

In the meantime, my fails are well documented, more accurately by yours truly)

An DO realise my biz issues in 2011 to 2013 were the sole responsibility  of a US based financial institution  who admitted to over 200 cases of blocking funds marked as paid, when they were declined.? I missed you being party to either legal team)
« Last Edit: December 06, 2020, 02:08:41 AM by AnonMod »

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Re: Japtats Trip report
« Reply #196 on: December 06, 2020, 01:47:54 AM »
In before Moby posts 100 photos of him as his ex wives, current wife playing in mud. Showing a glimpse of how they are all happy. Didn't SC breakup with you, and sell her wedding dress? Woudln't she be ex wife number 3? Moby how many ex wives are you looking to get? Soon your ex wife count will be more than the women i slept with.

We have SC's wedding dress safely stored for when we can organise a blessing in Britain.

I will be sure to post photos of the happy day .

V, my 1st RU wife, will be invited and I am sure will attend.

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Re: Japtats Trip report
« Reply #197 on: December 06, 2020, 03:38:15 AM »
I asked her prior what the situation was , he cheated a while back , probably because their sex lives were bad . I also am emotionally disconnected since last year October, if it was a happy marriage , and he didn't do anything , I wouldn't .

I am the 7th guy , she slept with, he is the 4th guy she had , she cheated on him with her colleague long ago , and he knows this. And now she is cheating on him with her boss.

We are just friends , she knows the women I go for and sleep with , I openly told her I would not date a woman my age , especially with a kid . She laughed, but she has a good body , good face , really smart, and has a good job.

She likes the type of sex that she wouldn't get from others. I found it a good experience, definitely we are not going to be dating

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Re: Japtats Trip report
« Reply #198 on: December 06, 2020, 07:01:14 AM »
Why i said it was a good experience, wasn't because of the sex. i flaked on someone around 4 days ago because i didn't want to have sex, this woman was different. I was interested how and why she got into this situation, it was more of a interest for me , than a sexual flag. I found her attractive, good body, went too the gym, great job

She enjoyed my company, but i think what really interested me, was she was well put together. A week ago i asked people if FSUW get lazy after marriage, she didn't, maybe it is what attracted me to her. I am trying to have a relationship here, but it is hard. I am not in the best physical shape anymore, gone a bit chubby compared to my prime days, tattoos are still being done. I don't feel complete yet, well, nowhere near complete i should say.

I learnt also dating here, you cannot change people, you cannot make them motivated with life, do the stuff you need them to do. People are different, some want to work, come home, and sleep. I am a very highly energetic person, women all told me this, i like to work, go gym, be productive, push myself to my limits.

I have come across very few women like this, only person i loved, was a person who was exactly this. But i am not the same type of man (outside), as i was then. I need to complete myself again, and then i think i can attract what i want/need from a person. At the moment it feels like i am asking for the the world, but giving a little in return. I need to work on myself a bit more, i took a few step backwards doing what i am currently doing, but that is so i can take 5 step forwards.

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Re: Japtats Trip report
« Reply #199 on: December 11, 2020, 05:32:44 AM »
Seeing if Moby is banned, and he was the only person i had an issue with. Could i request for the thread to be moved back?


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