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Author Topic: Trench's Questions and Philosophies  (Read 484652 times)

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Re: Trench's Questions and Philosophies
« Reply #2075 on: August 11, 2018, 12:00:36 PM »
It's easy to say that he needs to change and improve himself to attract women. That sort of change does not come easily; if a man wants to improve a multitude of aspects of his life, even his appearance, there needs to be a desire to break out of his comfort zone.

You are correct it all depends on the individual to get out of their comfort zone. Those people have to start somewhere. If their comfort zone is a turn off for others, they will not have much success when it comes to friendships and relationships. The world isn't going to change for them so they need to make changes to be more appealing to the world.

How do you suggest that a man who works 'part time' gets to middle management? It doesn't happen overnight, and it doesn't happen without devising, implementing and being determined and disciplined enough to see through a very specific plan. Nothing does. There needs to be a plan of what a person wants to achieve, but more importantly the precise steps they'd need to get there.

A guy has to start somewhere. If he started as a teenager and showed he is motivated, responsible, hard working, reliable and smart, he should easily be in a well paid management position in his 40s. If a guy is in his 40s and still working a job for teenagers or at the bottom of the totem pole with everybody passing him up for the management positions, he can't expect a woman to want to build a family with him.

If Trench made life decisions in his past that prevents him from having success today, he has to face the consequences. He will see his competition get the women he wants and he will live the rest of his life lonely. That is his future unless he makes changes. He may need to make changes at work, change the shape of his body and how he looks, his attitude, or outlook on life. Maybe he needs to change everything. It's up to him to figure out how to make himself appealing to the opposite sex.
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Re: Trench's Questions and Philosophies
« Reply #2076 on: August 11, 2018, 12:08:12 PM »
You are correct it all depends on the individual to get out of their comfort zone. Those people have to start somewhere. If their comfort zone is a turn off for others, they will not have much success when it comes to friendships and relationships. The world isn't going to change for them so they need to make changes to be more appealing to the world.

A guy has to start somewhere. If he started as a teenager and showed he is motivated, responsible, hard working, reliable and smart, he should easily be in a well paid management position in his 40s. If a guy is in his 40s and still working a job for teenagers or at the bottom of the totem pole with everybody passing him up for the management positions, he can't expect a woman to want to build a family with him.

If Trench made life decisions in his past that prevents him from having success today, he has to face the consequences. He will see his competition get the women he wants and he will live the rest of his life lonely. That is his future unless he makes changes. He may need to make changes at work, change the shape of his body and how he looks, his attitude, or outlook on life. Maybe he needs to change everything. It's up to him to figure out how to make himself appealing to the opposite sex.

I don't disagree with you at all Billy....there is just a huge difference between the theory and being able to put it into practice. I don't like to criticise anyone, because we can all hide behind a computer and claim to be whatever we want; but if the personality Trench conveys on here is even marginally like his real life persona, I would have serious doubts that he's capable of significant change. I am not a psychologist, but I would hazard a guess that an introverted, awkward personality-type takes some serious effort/professional help to change.

Offline Trenchcoat

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Re: Trench's Questions and Philosophies
« Reply #2077 on: August 11, 2018, 12:24:28 PM »
Yes, Trench, we know. You’ve told us often enough. How long has it been since you first floated this idea of an independent income? Which actually means taking in a lodger or two after you’ve finished your DIY renovation. That’ll really see you raking in the big bucks, not.
Of course, we know the real reason why you don’t work is so you can live below the Income tax threshold and avoid paying your fair share. You don’t mind scrounging off the ‘free NHS’ and claim benefits but not contribute anything to society.
What a pathetic low life w****r you are.

Actually I do pay some income tax and national insurance, got to pay my stamp to make sure I get me state pension after all ;D Think both together probably sets me back around £50 a month so pretty tax expedient. Not forgetting of course that I pay 20 percent VAT on anything I buy, plus I pay council tax with single person relief of -25 percent. So to say I contribute nothing to society is actually not true. It's been over 11 years since I claimed any benefits.

You can either work hard or work clever, I choose to work clever, it's your choice.
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Re: Trench's Questions and Philosophies
« Reply #2078 on: August 11, 2018, 12:31:42 PM »

You can either work hard or work clever, I choose to work clever, it's your choice.

Once again, when Trench thinks he's being 'clever' he proves the opposite.....

Based on what he's posted

1/ he earns WAY beneath the amount needed to import a non EU wife

2/ He's not going to be able to look after himself in retirement

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Re: Trench's Questions and Philosophies
« Reply #2079 on: August 11, 2018, 12:42:25 PM »
Actually I do pay some income tax and national insurance, got to pay my stamp to make sure I get me state pension after all ;D Think both together probably sets me back around £50 a month so pretty tax expedient. Not forgetting of course that I pay 20 percent VAT on anything I buy, plus I pay council tax with single person relief of -25 percent. So to say I contribute nothing to society is actually not true. It's been over 11 years since I claimed any benefits.

You can either work hard or work clever, I choose to work clever, it's your choice.
So you think paying £50 a month is ‘making a contribution’? Also, VAT is not payable on everything. Most food items are 0% VAT rated. I would imagine food is mostly what your income is spent on. As for C/Tax, that’s payment for your local essential services like  garbage collection etc so again, you’re not contributing anything. That’s payment for services rendered.
No, Trench, you contribute sweet FA. You’re a leech, a parasite and there’s too many like you around who think it’s ok to sponge off the tax payer.
As for all this talk of working clever, utter bollocks. You choose not to work enough and pay your way and that is just so utterly repugnant.

Offline Trenchcoat

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Re: Trench's Questions and Philosophies
« Reply #2080 on: August 11, 2018, 01:36:03 PM »
So you think paying £50 a month is ‘making a contribution’? Also, VAT is not payable on everything. Most food items are 0% VAT rated. I would imagine food is mostly what your income is spent on. As for C/Tax, that’s payment for your local essential services like  garbage collection etc so again, you’re not contributing anything. That’s payment for services rendered.
No, Trench, you contribute sweet FA. You’re a leech, a parasite and there’s too many like you around who think it’s ok to sponge off the tax payer.
As for all this talk of working clever, utter bollocks. You choose not to work enough and pay your way and that is just so utterly repugnant.

I don't just spend my tax on food, even here we are talking about me getting a make over, that's going to cost me a fair few £ on which I pay VAT, new clothes, etc - the more expensive the clothes the more VAT I will pay as it will be 20 percent if a larger sum. Besides I get stuff off Amazon all the time.

Now, I don't put out any garbage for collection I take it around my Mother's as the garbage recycling system is too complicated where I live - so many bins and odd timetables to navigate. When I have Lodgers though this is likely to change they will have to grapple with the system.

I basically don't wish to work and pay a third of what I earn in that day in tax. I would be a mug to be at work and be working just to hand that money over to the government, it would be daylight robbery by them on me. I also don't wish to help fund those that have no intention of working ever such as council estate scrotes and the royal family - they are the biggest scroungers of anyone and lead such a bad example.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: Trench's Questions and Philosophies
« Reply #2081 on: August 11, 2018, 01:42:39 PM »
Once again, when Trench thinks he's being 'clever' he proves the opposite.....

Based on what he's posted

1/ he earns WAY beneath the amount needed to import a non EU wife

2/ He's not going to be able to look after himself in retirement

Not true, as said before I can easily temporarily take on more hours as I only work 30 hours a week. I see no need in hammering myself paying a load of tax above this in the meantime.

The state pension is quite a way above unemployment benefit. In addition it may be possible to claim pension credit or its equivalent under UC etc if hard up. In any case in addition I will have Lodgings income to supplement this. So more than enough :)
« Last Edit: August 11, 2018, 02:07:18 PM by Trenchcoat »
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: Trench's Questions and Philosophies
« Reply #2082 on: August 11, 2018, 02:15:25 PM »
I basically don't wish to work and pay a third of what I earn in that day in tax. I would be a mug to be at work and be working just to hand that money over to the government, it would be daylight robbery by them on me. I also don't wish to help fund those that have no intention of working ever such as council estate scrotes and the royal family - they are the biggest scroungers of anyone and lead such a bad example.

Do you like using roads?  Trains?  Buses?  The metro?  Do you like having police?  A court system?  Firefighters?  Hospitals?  Schools?  Universities?  Defence? 

The Royal Family generates more income (estimated at 1.8 billion pounds) than it costs (with all additional sources, such as security included, around 334 pounds).

I hope your business skills are better than is evident in that particular "analysis".
« Last Edit: August 11, 2018, 02:26:13 PM by Boethius »
After the fall of communism, the biggest mistake Boris Yeltsin's regime made was not to disband the KGB altogether. Instead it changed its name to the FSB and, to many observers, morphed into a gangster organisation, eventually headed by master criminal Vladimir Putin. - Gerard Batten

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Re: Trench's Questions and Philosophies
« Reply #2083 on: August 11, 2018, 02:36:02 PM »

Do you like using roads?  Trains?  Buses?  The metro?  Do you like having police?  A court system?  Firefighters?  Hospitals?  Schools?  Universities?  Defence? 


I don't like to have to travel with the great unwashed unless I really have no other choice. When I do I pay my fare for the cost of it - aside from rail very little of it receives funding from the Gov. I drive a car, I used to pay road tax for road upkeep but for the past six years have bought & used a car that qualifies for free road tax :D

I pay for hospitals through my NI contribution. The rest either through income tax and council tax - best not to pay too much on these, if the Police are too well funded they end up bothering everyone over the tiddler little thing, better they are under manned and too busy with serious crime, I don't want to be contributing funding them to arrest me after all :)

The Royal Family generate no income, figures for their income are from dubious sources such as supposed tourist income they bring in, the Duchy of Cornwall - which is down to the government granting them use of it anyway, etc. The Royal Family do no work so logically contribute nothing.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: Trench's Questions and Philosophies
« Reply #2084 on: August 11, 2018, 02:53:29 PM »
So you are willing to allow others to pick up the burden of your use of the roads.  I am seeing a pattern here, which extends to your pursuit of FSUW.

The Royal Family generates almost a billion alone from tourism.  Don't underestimate how many people visit the UK to see royal sites, and purchase royal themed kitsch from UK vendors. 
After the fall of communism, the biggest mistake Boris Yeltsin's regime made was not to disband the KGB altogether. Instead it changed its name to the FSB and, to many observers, morphed into a gangster organisation, eventually headed by master criminal Vladimir Putin. - Gerard Batten

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Re: Trench's Questions and Philosophies
« Reply #2085 on: August 11, 2018, 03:00:51 PM »
So you are willing to allow others to pick up the burden of your use of the roads.  I am seeing a pattern here, which extends to your pursuit of FSUW.

The Royal Family generates almost a billion alone from tourism.  Don't underestimate how many people visit the UK to see royal sites, and purchase royal themed kitsch from UK vendors.
Yes Boethius, Trench expects others to pick up the tab for his life just as he wants any FSUW unfortunate enough to be ensnared by him to pay for her own upkeep. It’s  like visiting a prostitute and asking her to pay herself for him to use her services.  :cluebat:
« Last Edit: August 11, 2018, 03:52:09 PM by AnonMod »

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Re: Trench's Questions and Philosophies
« Reply #2086 on: August 11, 2018, 07:37:30 PM »
Not true,

But the figures re tax were your words ..  you are busted, son

Thank you for confirming - you're happy to live off the state in retirement ...not having contributed enough

You DO realise Mrs Trench has no recourse to public funding during her probationary period of residency ?

Now, you seek you deflect from your desire to sponge by suggesting the Royal Family are 'worse' ? ;)))

Edited to add

So, 'no RFL for your 'vehicle' ..?

You must either be disabled, driving an electric car, one that is over forty years old, steam driven, or a tractor.... !

« Last Edit: August 11, 2018, 07:45:22 PM by msmob »

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Re: Trench's Questions and Philosophies
« Reply #2087 on: August 11, 2018, 07:54:05 PM »
"I don't like to have to travel with the great unwashed unless I really have no other choice."

Why Trench?
UK public transportation is par excellence, IMHO, trains are awesome and FAST
even the buses are nice, and London's Underground
you guys have first class public transport
i've taken it extensively, NEVER a bad experience, people nice and friendly to me
1,000 times better than the USA
how can you live in the UK and NOT take public transport
be like sayin you don't go to the pub and have a pint(or 2) and Shepherd's pie while watching football with your mates
you live in such a GREAT place, why don't you enjoy it?

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Re: Trench's Questions and Philosophies
« Reply #2088 on: August 11, 2018, 08:06:41 PM »

you guys have first class public transport

IF you live near a railway or a city that might be true..

Villages have virtually no public transport

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Re: Trench's Questions and Philosophies
« Reply #2089 on: August 11, 2018, 09:33:10 PM »
ahh, got it...
if I were you Trench, I'd MOVE to some place better then!  might even solve your dating problem as well!!!
any particular reason you stay where you are and haven't ALREADY moved to a larger city, better jobs, more social contact, etc?
you can still come and visit your mum on holiday!!

I love everything about the UK, except the right/left thing, makes me bonkers


two months ago in Amsterdam, I became acquainted with EEZZGO, and rented a Biro 2-seat electric car
was skeptical a tall guy like me would fit inside, but it was fine, I loved that little "car"
and would be a fun thing to "tinker" with
would this be a practical "car" to have in the UK?
I would be reluctant driving this in the USA, for a variety of reasons, other cars/drivers make it a bad choice in the USA
but what is your opinion having this in the UK (not to drive on M5 or anything like that, but just "around town")

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Re: Trench's Questions and Philosophies
« Reply #2090 on: August 11, 2018, 10:07:07 PM »
I don't just spend my tax on food, even here we are talking about me getting a make over, that's going to cost me a fair few £ on which I pay VAT, new clothes, etc - the more expensive the clothes the more VAT I will pay as it will be 20 percent if a larger sum. Besides I get stuff off Amazon all the time.

Now, I don't put out any garbage for collection I take it around my Mother's as the garbage recycling system is too complicated where I live - so many bins and odd timetables to navigate. When I have Lodgers though this is likely to change they will have to grapple with the system.

I basically don't wish to work and pay a third of what I earn in that day in tax. I would be a mug to be at work and be working just to hand that money over to the government, it would be daylight robbery by them on me. I also don't wish to help fund those that have no intention of working ever such as council estate scrotes and the royal family - they are the biggest scroungers of anyone and lead such a bad example.

What an inadequate lump of lack of ambition - you are  a  pathetic lazy leech  social misfit ( that ring a bell ?)

For those that have criticised   the Trenchcoat sceptics --just read what the idiots behaviour and attitudes are as HE has expressed --not just in the past but particularly today. :trainwreck:
« Last Edit: August 11, 2018, 10:37:13 PM by AnonMod »
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Re: Trench's Questions and Philosophies
« Reply #2091 on: August 12, 2018, 12:01:23 AM »
Thank you for confirming - you're happy to live off the state in retirement ...not having contributed enough

You DO realise Mrs Trench has no recourse to public funding during her probationary period of residency ?

Edited to add

So, 'no RFL for your 'vehicle' ..?

You must either be disabled, driving an electric car, one that is over forty years old, steam driven, or a tractor.... !

Nope, there is indeed a zero percent/zero rated road fund license. So all I have to do each year is re-apply for the road fund (road tax) license but I don't have to pay anything, just click to sign up for another year.

I would have contributed enough stamp by the time I retire. There is nothing to say I should pay as much as I can. I know another guy about 10 years older than me going down to a three day week. He too is single and realised it doesn't pay to work a five day week to just get walloped with tax and lose good free time for very little. Don't blame us, blame femininism for f-ing up society. Single guys have no reason to work all hours under the sun.

I would of course support the woman while over here, would cost me very little and she can repay me in the bedroom ;D
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: Trench's Questions and Philosophies
« Reply #2092 on: August 12, 2018, 12:06:33 AM »
What an inadequate lump of lack of ambition - you are  a  pathetic lazy leech  social misfit ( that ring a bell ?)

For those that have criticised   the Trenchcoat sceptics --just read what the idiots behaviour and attitudes are as HE has expressed --not just in the past but particularly today. :trainwreck:
The Trenchcoatism is breathtaking. I mean, to want to live on the breadline and work the bare minimum so as to avoid paying tax???
The dumb just got dumber.

Trench, let’s all stop paying tax.
There goes your pension, healthcare, education. Everything you expect the state to provide for you, all gone, the lot.
Please, don’t have children. The thought of more nihilistic Trenchcoats running around our streets makes me want to puke.

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Re: Trench's Questions and Philosophies
« Reply #2093 on: August 12, 2018, 12:07:43 AM »
The Royal Family generates almost a billion alone from tourism.  Don't underestimate how many people visit the UK to see royal sites, and purchase royal themed kitsch from UK vendors.

Those tourists would still come here regardless, the country is far more than about the royal family. Tourists would just by other rubbish from the souvenir shop. The Royal Family directly does  no work and directly contributes nothing.

Part of the reason I am eager to leave the EU is the next item on the agenda ad I see it is a referendum to abolish the Monarchy. With UKIP no longer hogging the lime light, anti monarchist groups like Republic have their time to shine :)
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: Trench's Questions and Philosophies
« Reply #2094 on: August 12, 2018, 12:12:19 AM »
The Trenchcoatism is breathtaking. I mean, to want to live on the breadline and work the bare minimum so as to avoid paying tax???
The dumb just got dumber.

Trench, let’s all stop paying tax.
There goes your pension, healthcare, education. Everything you expect the state to provide for you, all gone, the lot.
Please, don’t have children. The thought of more nihilistic Trenchcoats running around our streets makes me want to puke.

I've told you I page some tax, but as a single guy there is no point me over doing it, I have no incentive too. I dint live on the breadline either as I am not working pointlessly just to pay a load of tax.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: Trench's Questions and Philosophies
« Reply #2095 on: August 12, 2018, 12:25:54 AM »

I would have contributed enough stamp by the time I retire.

Do you think your contributions go into a piggy bank marked Trenchcoats pension only?
What you pay now is paying for the (well, only a tiny bit since you pay in next to nothing) pensions of today’s pensioners.
The kids and grandkids today will be paying your pension.
Although I quite like the idea of earmarking your measly contributions just for you. You’ll get your comeuppance, Trench. I hope when the day comes and you require social care the state strips you of all your assets to pay for it.
There is nothing to say I should pay as much as I can. I know another guy about 10 years older than me going down to a three day week. He too is single and realised it doesn't pay to work a five day week to just get walloped with tax and lose good free time for very little. Don't blame us, blame femininism for f-ing up society. Single guys have no reason to work all hours under the sun.

Careful, Trench, the masks slipping.
Another aspect of Trenchcoatism: always seek to blame society’s ills on feminism.
I would of course support the woman while over here, would cost me very little and she can repay me in the bedroom ;D
Ah, that fantasy woman you keep mentioning.
I suggest you get one of these. You investment return will be greater.

Trenchs FWB

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Re: Trench's Questions and Philosophies
« Reply #2096 on: August 12, 2018, 12:34:46 AM »
So you've heard about how I work John, how about you?
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: Trench's Questions and Philosophies
« Reply #2097 on: August 12, 2018, 12:38:19 AM »
The welfare state was created as a safety net for those in need. The idea being that everybody contributed fairly and took out as and when needed.
Trench’s version: Pay the bare minimum, just enough to get his NI contributions record ticking over and take out the maximum.
As for healthcare, that’s just a freebie for Trench.

The system has had its day due to rampant abuse by the likes of Trench.
We need to go to an insurance funded model to pay for healthcare and an end to the state provision of pensions. That way the likes of Trench don’t get their grubby hands in the pot.
If he ends up destitute in the streets, we’ll, I won’t shed a tear.

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Re: Trench's Questions and Philosophies
« Reply #2098 on: August 12, 2018, 12:51:20 AM »
So you've heard about how I work John, how about you?
I’m living the life Trench. I have a beautiful and loving FSUW wife. A happy and successful marriage. Lovely children. Great family life.
I earn more than enough so my wife doesn’t have to work. I pay my full share of taxes because I believe in the social contract.
She does community work and is loved and respected by all she meets.
I’m not a paranoid schizo like you Trench. I knew on my first date with my wife that I was going to marry her and I courted her like a man should.

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Re: Trench's Questions and Philosophies
« Reply #2099 on: August 12, 2018, 01:09:52 AM »
The welfare state was created as a safety net for those in need. The idea being that everybody contributed fairly and took out as and when needed.
Trench’s version: Pay the bare minimum, just enough to get his NI contributions record ticking over and take out the maximum.
As for healthcare, that’s just a freebie for Trench.

The system has had its day due to rampant abuse by the likes of Trench.
We need to go to an insurance funded model to pay for healthcare and an end to the state provision of pensions. That way the likes of Trench don’t get their grubby hands in the pot.
If he ends up destitute in the streets, we’ll, I won’t shed a tear.

I've never had a hospital stay since birth John, so the way I see it I have been paying in for a service  I have yet to use. I don't mind that, it's still cheaper than any private health care insurance just in case I needed it, but to date I have not. Therefore the NHS has so far gained from me rather than me taking.

Private pensions are the worst for everyone, they have never been a good investment even if done through the workplace. Even all the financial experts agree that annuities are a bad return for investment. Do you realise how much more you would have to put into a private/workplace pension to get the same as under the state? You're easily talking 5 or more times. No one wins under that system, thinking 'I'm alright jack because I've provided for myself' - it doesn't work, you'll pay way more then probably get ripped off like most have done in the past - the pension scheme goes bust, company has a deficit I'm the pension plan, sock market crash right before pension scheme matures, overly excessive pension fund fees, etc. You know the biggest one though don't you John? Yep that's right, you die before you can even claim it, all those nice big hefty contributions goneto waste. If your wife is lucky (for those that have one) she might be able to claim a portion of it, IF it allows for a spousal claim, not all do, or it may be a measly amount.

Under the state pension scheme though, wife can claim a portion of your pension contributions if you die, so still likely a decent amount. You also wouldn't have paid in huge amounts so a lot less wasted money. As after all no one really knows if the will get to retirement age so no real point going overboard just in case. In other words John  that you may hopefully understand, private pensions are a mugs game for all involved.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster


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