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Author Topic: The Chicken in Kiev  (Read 42754 times)

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Online Trenchcoat

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The Chicken in Kiev
« on: May 23, 2019, 02:40:57 AM »
Only so I've recently returned from my trip to Kiev. I had 3 full days there which was spent looking into other techniques that could be used in a search for a UW, getting more familiar with their culture, finding my way around Kiev better and getting in the odd but of sightseeing. The sightseeing was mainly a visit to the Golden Gate which I had not been inside before just passed by on a tourist at bus and just the usual walk up the Main Street to Maidan Square and back as well as some time on the underground.

I'll say upfront the cost savings on the train & underground network are breathtakingly wonderful compared with back home. In Kiev it costs about 20-30p to go on a single trip where ever on the tube, back home in London your talking about a tenner for a return tube ticket to a stop just 5 or 6 stops away!

The new train service from Borispol Airport was good also. It's just a one carriage train with a driver cabin at front and back. Just about enough room now without it being too cramped but I think they may have to enlarge that in the future. I had to walk around to it from what In guessing is the old terminal building, Terminal F. I usually arrive at the new terminal building but since my plane was from London Stansted and not London Gatwick or Heathrow this was not so. Anyway the ticket was only 80 ghrivna single journey so dirt cheap, which works out about £2.50-3.00 UK money. Again going 13 miles on a train in the UK would cost a lot more than that. Last time I used a Taxi for the Journey from Borispol to Kiev it was 800 ghrivna, so much better going by train as I've always found those taxi drivers a weird lot so nice to be able to avoid and save money too! Only downside there is no card payment machines for the train ticket. There is some booth on the station but for some reason I had to go inside the new terminal building to get the ticket instead.

Anyway, now for my findings on the UW situation in Kiev...
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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The Chicken in Kiev
« Reply #1 on: May 23, 2019, 03:11:13 AM »
So, Kyiv is 'expensive' compared to say Tbilisi))

It's 15 pence for the metro and the bus from the airport ( south of the city)  to our apartment ..way to the north, costs ...15 pence.. as one can change transport method within 60 mins..

A 20 minute taxi ride costs 2 to 3 Pounds with Yandex / Bolt apps.

Indeed, we are all 'gagging' to hear how your tip up and wander around parks works out !.

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The Chicken in Kiev
« Reply #2 on: May 23, 2019, 03:25:55 AM »
...Ok, so I'll say up front here for me I don't think Kiev is the likely place to find a UW. The city centre location is full of amazingly beautiful women more so than any city back home. I would say a figure of at least 50 percent if not way higher of the women I saw when looking about were real hot chicks, some super hot. It was a breathtaking site to see, most looked like doubles of film or pop star type of girls you would see in the west, Selena Gomez, etc type of pretty girls, but loads of them. Many do indeed seem to be clones of each other too, you can clearly see the influence of Viking, Mongolian, Tatar and Cossack repeated across the city in the girls. Now a blonde would look different to s dark haired girl but two darker haired girls or two blondes could look the same whilst not being from directly the same family. So you could walk down the street and see one then see an almost exactly same looking girl just a few hundred metres or so away. I've seen a similar result in other Ukrainian cities. I must say at this juncture that I find Ukrainian girl the most beautiful in all of the FSU. Of course there are a few girls around who are less pretty but most are astoundingly hot.

So having seen all these beautiful women I wanted one, only problem was I wasn't getting much traction. They wouldn't look away as such but I didn't get any cone on eye contact wise from any of them. Two reasons I think for this, one, Kiev is s large city and like London strangers tend not to make eye contact, I notice one girl didn't notice this women that obviously new her stopping and making opening gestures until she was right upon her. Secondly, there seems to be plenty of wealth in Kiev City Centre, its the wealthiest part of Ukraine with pargeps only Odessa City Centre as another wealthy alternative. As such though the girls aren't eager to hunt down a guy at least not any old guy. The local young guys are smartly dressed in casual coloured cotton shirts (not work shirts) and coloured chinos or similar and many of those pretty girls can be seen dating them. So a lot of Kiev girls are not out to find a foreign guy. Now someone exceptionally wealthy or talented like our Krim is the type that would have no problem in Kiev, but for me a more provincial city would suit as I don't have what Kiev girls would be looking for. There are of course exceptions to this but in the main me searching for a girl in Kiev would be a tough act and less likely to pay off.

However, it was not a wasted journey and I'm not saying that to save face. I learnt more stuff as a result of going and on how differing techniques may be used. All of this stuff can be better deployed in a more provincial city in Ukraine, depending on the city of course.

The other main thing I found in Kiev is that there is now a lot of English wording around. Not only that but a lot of the Kiev girls in particular wear tops with English on them. I think it's the current fashion out there along with skirts that zip up at the front oh err, lol. If anything though along with US & UK tourists I would say English is becoming too everyday, many more seem to speak it there now and English culture is on the verge of taking over. That's a great shame and of course decreases an English guys value a lot to the point where  the English foreigner advantage is all but lost. I out a lot of this down to Ukraine's deal with the EU, so another city they have messed up for us. Still, I think provincial cities in the rest of Ukraine would still be ok. Other thing to state is that I did not call up girls of dating sites for this, yes of course I could have done but I wanted to look into other methods. I've no doubt using dating sites would still work but I'm doubtful I would find what Im looking for in Kiev and vice versa. I think other smaller provincial cities in Ukraine could do it for me and I'll try a range of methods on my next attempt there including going in initially with the dating site method.
« Last Edit: May 23, 2019, 03:29:01 AM by Trenchcoat »
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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The Chicken in Kiev
« Reply #3 on: May 23, 2019, 03:54:56 AM »
As expected lots of excuses and Bollox conclusions for abject failure..

Ukrainians have no rights to travel to the UK, Ireland which English speaking nation are they visiting?

Are you now suggesting the French German, etc.a guys have an advantage ? Probably so?

Turning up with no planned meets was your mistake..

Any idiot can see this..

So much for your 'advice' that Kyiv is not recommended.

You are  even more clueless than guys who haven't got on the plane.  At least they know there is no point in turning up and expecting dates...

Sorry, Trench. You were told..You are a prize Muppet..((

When will you start to listen and learn?
« Last Edit: May 23, 2019, 03:59:56 AM by msmob »

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The Chicken in Kiev
« Reply #4 on: May 23, 2019, 04:36:13 AM »
As expected lots of excuses and Bollox conclusions for abject failure..

Ukrainians have no rights to travel to the UK, Ireland which English speaking nation are they visiting?

Are you now suggesting the French German, etc.a guys have an advantage ? Probably so?

Turning up with no planned meets was your mistake..

Any idiot can see this..

So much for your 'advice' that Kyiv is not recommended.

You are  even more clueless than guys who haven't got on the plane.  At least they know there is no point in turning up and expecting dates...

Sorry, Trench. You were told..You are a prize Muppet..((

When will you start to listen and learn?

It's not just about getting dates Mobers it's about getting dates with girls who are into me. It's also about understanding the culture and that of course takes time and visiting and observing the culture.

I've learnt a lot in that trip off a few days that can be put to use in further trips elsewhere in Ukraine.

Only a few Ukrainians will be able to visit the UK, such as those that were on the plane with me, mostly the more middle aged crowd, reasonably wealthy etc. I'm talking about the import of clothes with English slogans and brands from the EU because of their trade deal and possibly some knock offs in Ukraine. Plus of course loads of UK and US tourists visiting. I heard a fair few US accents while over there, youngish US guys, etc. Ukrainian girls were not running over to them to worship them, nor where they knocking about it getting any attention from Ukrainian girls.

The more English speaking people there the more it becomes everyday, the less value a UK guy will have.

Strange as it now sounds but I'm probably looking more to less frequented English areas. I was able to use a bit of the Russian I learned there and it's something I would like to build upon. I'm getting better at it now and will be learning more. For me it's one area I see as paying off. I can't do the wealthy guy thing outright but I'm feeling that knowing Russian is helping to close the gap.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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The Chicken in Kiev
« Reply #5 on: May 23, 2019, 04:44:59 AM »
Also important to note that a lot off black is not really the colour to wear out there. Not unless you're going to the theatre or some very top restaurant in a suit or something.

Most Ukrainian guys wear any colour and also white but black very little to none.

The odd guy I saw wearing black as casual did look very weird, particularly so the more black they wore. Saw a couple of US youngish guys wearing black t shirts and a guy wearing completely black, might have been local. They stood out not in a good way I think. Walking through Marinsky Park one evening and all the local young couples of boys & girls were out sat on benches, none were wearing black, all coloured stuff.

Interestingly it was the evening before the President's Inauguration so done Police were at the top end surrounding the Palace so their presence didn't really make it ideal for me on that occasion.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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The Chicken in Kiev
« Reply #6 on: May 23, 2019, 07:19:18 AM »
Thing to add is that if a WM were to get one of those many pretty girls I saw walking around Kiev unless she was real into him or he chose to live there with her any long time away would likely mean that she would end up getting it on with a local young guy out there.

In more provincial cities, more so the not so wealthy ones the availability is no doubt less which is important in first getting a girl and then keeping her.

To answer the wealth question brought up in another thread I think as far as Kiev City Centre is concerned no there no wealth problem there. I don't think  Ukrainians do much clothes shopping there, most no doubt go to places outside the city centre to shop for clothes. Beyond groceries there was not a lot of Ukrainians shopping in central Kiev.

Other places in Ukraine are no doubt poorer particularly where little industry exists to bring money in. That said of course it is of course possible to live comfortably in many places even if not that we wealthy.

The girls I saw in Kiev I didn't get the impression would be motivated to look/get with a WM. Most looked very glamazon like and would probably only consider a very wealthy man if a WM at all or one they were instantly attracted to perhaps but that would probably be unlikely. I think if a guy wasn't wealthy and looking in Kiev he would need to go to the outskirts and look way down the looks level, as 5 or less perhaps as of course keeping the girl would be important too unless of course he got lucky.

I will update more a bit later. Overall I learnt as fair bit but I just don't think I would have enough leverage over in Kiev city centre to get an easy time of it.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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The Chicken in Kiev
« Reply #7 on: May 23, 2019, 07:56:08 AM »
hmm still waiting for some sort of trip report, so far I only seen a lot of.. let's call them "trench-conclusions" - I won't even bother to comment on them - but not much of a trip report
Multitasking means screwing up several things at once.

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Re: The Chicken in Kiev
« Reply #8 on: May 23, 2019, 08:27:41 AM »
Ukraine is a relatively temperate climate, which is why people don't wear black in the spring/summer.

People often have black winter coats, particularly if they use public transport, because it's easier to keep clean.

It's also about understanding the culture and that of course takes time and visiting and observing the culture.

You will never understand the culture, so stop wasting years trying.  Even your comments on Kyiv suggest you missed obvious points about the culture.  Plus, if you want children, you're not getting any younger.

You have no leverage over any woman, and any perceived leverage you have disappears once the woman arrives in the UK.

I suggest you stick to dating sites, text with half a dozen women from the same city, then go visit them.  Just don't lie and tell them you're exclusive.

This post was composed without the aid of google.
« Last Edit: May 23, 2019, 08:36:56 AM by Boethius »
After the fall of communism, the biggest mistake Boris Yeltsin's regime made was not to disband the KGB altogether. Instead it changed its name to the FSB and, to many observers, morphed into a gangster organisation, eventually headed by master criminal Vladimir Putin. - Gerard Batten

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Re: The Chicken in Kiev
« Reply #9 on: May 23, 2019, 09:52:39 AM »
Ukraine is a relatively temperate climate, which is why people don't wear black in the spring/summer.

People often have black winter coats, particularly if they use public transport, because it's easier to keep clean.

You will never understand the culture, so stop wasting years trying.  Even your comments on Kyiv suggest you missed obvious points about the culture.  Plus, if you want children, you're not getting any younger.

You have no leverage over any woman, and any perceived leverage you have disappears once the woman arrives in the UK.

I suggest you stick to dating sites, text with half a dozen women from the same city, then go visit them.  Just don't lie and tell them you're exclusive.

This post was composed without the aid of google.

Problem is Boe I can't get that many girls messaging me in just one city. A huge city the size of Moscow I could but even something the size of Kiev or wherever I tend not too. There are various reasons for this, sometimes the girl hasn't been in the website in a long while, sometimes she is busy communicating with other guys, sometimes she may want a US guy or whatever and sometimes she is just not into my look, like i've said before I'm an everyday looking guy so I get no advantage there with most women.

I will go with at least meeting one. If I could get more I would and I would be upfront about it, it would just be to meet as friends in the first instance. I'm going to look into getting some DSLR pics done, none with the blurred background which I always thinks looks too pro looking and maybe that might boost my hit rate a bit.

Like I say I have learnt other stuff that I can use from the trip as backup stuff so it was still a worthwhile journey. I'm going to work more on myself to try and boost my desirability also :)
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: The Chicken in Kiev
« Reply #10 on: May 23, 2019, 10:41:39 AM »

Hold the press, Trench goes to Ukraine and doesn't get a date.

I am not advocating Kiev as necessarily the best City to find a wife, but you were warned of that and advised to line up ladies to meet beforehand, or at least have some sort of plan other than the Krimster 'wing-it' method. You don't have the personality type to do it. You chose to ignore the advice. What exactly was your strategy? Expecting to just look British to women, have them make a move on you and then drop their knickers?

Problem is Boe I can't get that many girls messaging me in just one city. A huge city the size of Moscow I could but even something the size of Kiev or wherever I tend not too.

You seriously can't line up a few dates in a City like Kiev by any means? Online, Tinder, through agencies, through any mutual contacts? If that's honestly the case, you have greater problems than even I, one of your biggest sceptics, ever imagined. And by the way I just came back from Kiev 2 weeks ago, so you can't hide behind all of the BS excuses you posted above. Your generalisations don't wash.

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Re: The Chicken in Kiev
« Reply #11 on: May 23, 2019, 10:42:41 AM »
I am not a Trench basher just for the sake of pile on bullying, so I will say well done Trench.

You did seem to discover some things about yourself and about Kyiv gals (their looks at least.)

I think you should follow up on your ideas to look at some other smaller cities in Ukraine.

Myself, I never found that much difference between the gals in Kyiv, Kharkiv, Dnipro, Yalta, Sevastopol, etc.  Only ones I would avoid are those in Odesa.

Never really went to smaller places, except short visits with Ukrainian business persons.

I only did WMVM and smaller places probably wouldn't have had enough women who met my screening.
« Last Edit: May 23, 2019, 10:44:32 AM by ML »
A beautiful woman is pleasant to look at, but it is easier to live with a pleasant acting one.

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Re: The Chicken in Kiev
« Reply #12 on: May 23, 2019, 11:08:34 AM »
I am not a Trench basher just for the sake of pile on bullying, so I will say well done Trench.

You did seem to discover some things about yourself and about Kyiv gals (their looks at least.)

I think you should follow up on your ideas to look at some other smaller cities in Ukraine.

Myself, I never found that much difference between the gals in Kyiv, Kharkiv, Dnipro, Yalta, Sevastopol, etc.  Only ones I would avoid are those in Odesa.

Never really went to smaller places, except short visits with Ukrainian business persons.

I only did WMVM and smaller places probably wouldn't have had enough women who met my screening.

There is no 'bullying' when one asks for advice, chooses to ignore it, and then pontificates generalised nonsense about an entire City after a 3-day trip. It is merely stating the obvious. He opened himself up to at least some bashing, or he will NEVER learn.

You contradict yourself when you say he should try a smaller Cities, but that you've never been. You're also starting to make assumptions about places just as he does. One does start to wonder...

The only saving grace is that Trench has acknowledged to work on himself and boost his 'desirability'.

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Re: The Chicken in Kiev
« Reply #13 on: May 23, 2019, 11:25:41 AM »


Until Trench stops offering 'advice' on subjects on which he is clueless ..then offers pathetic excuses...he will be lambasted.

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Re: The Chicken in Kiev
« Reply #14 on: May 23, 2019, 11:47:00 AM »
There is no 'bullying' when one asks for advice, chooses to ignore it, and then pontificates generalised nonsense about an entire City after a 3-day trip.

True.  There are plenty of poor people in Kyiv, including poor women.  The fact Trench didn't see them, or chose not to, does not make his generalization accurate.

This post was composed without the aid of google.
After the fall of communism, the biggest mistake Boris Yeltsin's regime made was not to disband the KGB altogether. Instead it changed its name to the FSB and, to many observers, morphed into a gangster organisation, eventually headed by master criminal Vladimir Putin. - Gerard Batten

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Re: The Chicken in Kiev
« Reply #15 on: May 23, 2019, 01:18:21 PM »


Until Trench stops offering 'advice' on subjects on which he is clueless ..then offers pathetic excuses...he will be lambasted.

I don't see where Trench offers much advice in this thread.  He described his trip in a terse  "Veni, vidi, vici" style without any vici. 

He wrote about what he observed without assuming what a woman was thinking.  Perhaps you opinion is a kneejerk reaction biased by your history with Trench.   Give Trench a break - after the years here he is learning something (not difficult because he had much to learn).   

In my southern college fraternity, many of us would wrestle with a New York pledge who would get into our faces.  It was more playing than fighting.  He was weak and we relished quickly pinning him to the ground, while laughing at his New York mannerisms.  At the end of the year he changed in two ways:  1) he moderated much of his New York manner and  2) he learned from all of his wrestling how to fight back (still lost, but not without putting up a competitive struggle).

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Re: The Chicken in Kiev
« Reply #16 on: May 23, 2019, 01:24:11 PM »

Myself, I never found that much difference between the gals in Kyiv, Kharkiv, Dnipro, Yalta, Sevastopol, etc.  Only ones I would avoid are those in Odesa.

Never really went to smaller places, except short visits with Ukrainian business persons.

I only did WMVM and smaller places probably wouldn't have had enough women who met my screening.

Kiev women reminded me somewhat of Moscow women.  Just walking around one could sense more sophistication than in the provincial cities. 

I agree one on one the women I met throughout the FSU tended to be similar.  Probably a result of having screened each other (WMVM) before meeting. 

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Re: The Chicken in Kiev
« Reply #17 on: May 23, 2019, 02:53:38 PM »
“So having seen all these beautiful women I wanted one, only problem was I wasn't getting much traction”

Trench, I actually thought about you’re upcoming trip when I was in Russia recently. I talked to a handful of women, generally asking questions and directions as I toured the city when I wasn’t with K. I planned a romantic dinner one evening and struggled in the supermarket finding the ingredients I needed. One woman took an interest in my predicament and walked with me around the supermarket.....she was a little flirty, gave me some obvious signs of interest and touched my arm often. I wondered what it would take to escalate this encounter.

I’m dying to know your experience compared to mine at home regarding cold approaches during the day. Obviously you bombed, but tell me what did you open with?. How did you escalate your encounters from a friendly chat to showing her you were interested in her romantically?. What were her excuses not to go on a date?.... married, not time etc... or a straight out no!!. Half the skill in this method is being able to walk away with some dignity (I use humour) how did you leave your encounters?. How many women did you approach, before you realised Kiev wasn’t the place for you?

You’ve left out all the important things in your report,  that could help new members considering this method and the main reason you were approach women and ask them on dates.

Edit..... sorry I just read your second post again.... approaching  women during the day is nothing like meeting them in a pub or nightclub, where eye contact is a good sign to approach. During the day she won’t notice you until you approach and start talking.... she’s going about her daily activities, not searching for a man. It’s the element of surprise and the fact that she has probably not been approached (hit on) during the day before..... the common theme with the women I chatted with during the day is they had never had a man hit on them during the day, they didn’t expect it and all were flattered, despite a lot being married or having a boyfriend.

I think I told you this is the hardest thing to do in dating and you should have tried this at home..... you need to approach 50-100 women to get good at this if you’re not naturally gifted with women.... there’s nothing special about PUA apart from confidence and experience gained by approaching 100-1000’s of women and getting rejected often.
« Last Edit: May 23, 2019, 05:24:29 PM by Davo »

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Re: The Chicken in Kiev
« Reply #18 on: May 23, 2019, 03:08:03 PM »
Hi Trench,

A trip report would be nice.

You went to Kyiv with some preconceived ideas that you found were wrong.  You thought you'd see pretty girls almost begging to talk to you just because you were a WM, but found out that is not the case.  Instead of learning from that, you conclude that you just need to switch cities - to a more rural place perhaps.   

As ML mentioned, it will be the same just about in any other city.  You will not be seen as a hero just because you're British.  If women in the smaller cities and villages wanted to be "saved" from their situation, they will pick a Ukrainian man who is better off
(then themselves).  Not necessarily wealthy, but one that can support her, to whatever degree. 

When you realize that, and also realize it will be about the same in Belarus, Moldova, Georgia, etc., then you can move on and possibly develop some real character to eventually be able to meet a nice woman.  Right now you're just deluding yourself and that will not help you.

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Re: The Chicken in Kiev
« Reply #19 on: May 23, 2019, 06:29:55 PM »
I don't see where Trench offers much advice in this thread.  He described his trip in a terse  "Veni, vidi, vici" style without any vici. 


Then you are inattentive, Phil !

I saw hilarious 'advice'..

1/ Kyiv not the place to look

2/ Look in smaller cities, as there is less competition from rich guys

He wrote about what he observed without assuming what a woman was thinking.  Perhaps you opinion is a kneejerk reaction biased by your history with Trench.   Give Trench a break - after the years here he is learning something (not difficult because he had much to learn). 

My 'history'  with Trench is mostly frustration at such inane 'advice / conclusiins'..simples..

Until Trench admits he is the problem and sorts out his misogynistic traits, he is wasting his time and  mostly exposing Bollox.

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Re: The Chicken in Kiev
« Reply #20 on: May 23, 2019, 07:02:11 PM »

come over here buddy, here have a seat...
hey look, I hate to break this to you but...
if you're not "getting any traction" then you probably have an "appearance" problem
and the only way to deal with that is to compensate with little pieces of paper with portraits of the queen on 'em, lots of em
without that... (shrugs shoulders)
well, glad we had this little talk...

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Re: The Chicken in Kiev
« Reply #21 on: May 23, 2019, 07:41:03 PM »

come over here buddy, here have a seat...
hey look, I hate to break this to you but...
if you're not "getting any traction" then you probably have an "appearance" problem
and the only way to deal with that is to compensate with little pieces of paper with portraits of the queen on 'em, lots of em
without that... (shrugs shoulders)
well, glad we had this little talk...

Not having a go at trench, but you actually have to approach women, before you know if you have problems or not..... I don’t think he’s like you Krim and confidant around women. Approach anxiety would would have sunk his chances the moment he even thought about taking to a woman. Picking up women on the street is not for the average guy.

I think his best  chances is using the proven method..... find a woman on line, devote several hours a day communicating with her. Get over his hang up and use the best tool he has, Skype (video chat) to build an emotional connection, then go visit her.

Compared with local online dating, sites like fdating are so easy to find women willing to talk, meet and go on dates with you..... he should be meeting 5-10 women every time he visits.
« Last Edit: May 23, 2019, 07:59:29 PM by Davo »

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Re: The Chicken in Kiev
« Reply #22 on: May 23, 2019, 08:20:30 PM »
“So having seen all these beautiful women I wanted one, only problem was I wasn't getting much traction”

Trench, I actually thought about you’re upcoming trip when I was in Russia recently. I talked to a handful of women, generally asking questions and directions as I toured the city when I wasn’t with K. I planned a romantic dinner one evening and struggled in the supermarket finding the ingredients I needed. One woman took an interest in my predicament and walked with me around the supermarket.....she was a little flirty, gave me some obvious signs of interest and touched my arm often. I wondered what it would take to escalate this encounter.

I’m dying to know your experience compared to mine at home regarding cold approaches during the day. Obviously you bombed, but tell me what did you open with?. How did you escalate your encounters from a friendly chat to showing her you were interested in her romantically?. What were her excuses not to go on a date?.... married, not time etc... or a straight out no!!. Half the skill in this method is being able to walk away with some dignity (I use humour) how did you leave your encounters?. How many women did you approach, before you realised Kiev wasn’t the place for you?

You’ve left out all the important things in your report,  that could help new members considering this method and the main reason you were approach women and ask them on dates.

Edit..... sorry I just read your second post again.... approaching  women during the day is nothing like meeting them in a pub or nightclub, where eye contact is a good sign to approach. During the day she won’t notice you until you approach and start talking.... she’s going about her daily activities, not searching for a man. It’s the element of surprise and the fact that she has probably not been approached (hit on) during the day before..... the common theme with the women I chatted with during the day is they had never had a man hit on them during the day, they didn’t expect it and all were flattered, despite a lot being married or having a boyfriend.

I think I told you this is the hardest thing to do in dating and you should have tried this at home..... you need to approach 50-100 women to get good at this if you’re not naturally gifted with women.... there’s nothing special about PUA apart from confidence and experience gained by approaching 100-1000’s of women and getting rejected often.

Hi Davo, well I didn't try any PUA, I wasn't intending to. I wanted to try passive methods to see how well they would work out. So one day I went to Shevchenko Park, I chose a seat to sit down on, one of those lounger type ones opposite the fountain and directly by the path so there would be a lot of footfall nearby. I wore a bright polo shirt so as to stand out (it was a hot day 24-27 degree or something like that). I got a book out on the history of Ukraine with an English title and started to read, figured might as well try and learn in the process. I turned the book up to make the title clearly visible. Many women passed by, most I think were probably more focused on their own task at hand and took little notice. One I think with her girl friend looked nicely out the corner of her eye as she passed me by andcsmiled a bit, may have been a little something there but think she was too shy to approach and she passed by. A few other girls I made brief eye contact with as I looked up from my book every so often as they came near to walk passed, some I made eye contact with but no obvious signs of interest and they passed by. All in all I was there a good 2 and a half hours or so reading, by the time I got up I was a little stuff from being sat down for some time. By that time I generally for the impression that this method wouldn't likely bear any fruit and while it could work in the right place and deployed correctly it is probably more of a back up strategy if in the FSU and waiting for girls to reply online.

Another passive method I considered was sketching. Now as you may recall me saying to Krimster I'm no Sketch genius so I brought one of those do a sketch a day books you can get off Amazon, I figured that it would help to explain that I'm practicing and hence why my sketch may not look very good. On a tour out with my sketch diary though I ended up coming to the conclusion that it is not the way to go, at least not for me in Kiev. Quite frankly I could envisage the women there laughing at my attempt to sketch whatever and me looking ridiculous in the process and then walking off after having a giggle. As has been said above Kiev women give me the impression of being more sophisticated. Again in a more provincial city and with a bit more practice beforehand it may be an ok back up method.

In general though you're more likely to get more done with direct methods I got the impression than passive. Krimster can no doubt do passive better than I as a good Artist etc will always shine well and get attention. I got the distinct impression that if you were able to show to these ladies that you had an exceptional talent like just being a good Artist then that would impress and they would take interest, however if it's nothing in particular then you'll be out of luck.

So I didn't try any PUA while there, I generally for the impression that Kiev women in general are not looking for a foreign guy as they are happy there with local guys or just happy there. Outside the city centre who knows but it would be strange for a WM to turn up out there. I did discover a good potential subtle PUA routine I could use and your 'ingredients' one is good also :) Again in general I got the feeling that direct non subtle PUA could get embarrassing used on Kiev women who are quite sophisticated in the main. I looked up a guy online doing it and he's one of these Mr Personality types. Unfortunately that's not me and wouldn't work for me I realised I would likely just end up very embarrassed and bomb. Davo, I think developing subtle PUA is definitely the way to go for me. I can practice on the women at home and come out of it without any loss of face as I really don't like feeling foolish and a lot of direct PUA I think could do that to guys without great personality skills like me.

Do that's about it. Admittedly not much time was put to  actually trying to get women as a lot was spent on the situation in general, observing around the city, seeing the situation with girls and best places to go to, etc. I think this is all coming along now and if I go in next time with a range of methods to hand in a provincial city that I think would suit me more then I think I could do a lot better.

In general though this outing wasn't so much about trying to get a girl but as trying out different methods to see if a different method might work. The method I used might but needs find tuning to the person and the place I think to work in the way hoped for.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Re: The Chicken in Kiev
« Reply #23 on: May 23, 2019, 09:07:09 PM »
So what’s the plan now trench?...... you’ve invested a few years into this and not making much progress.

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Re: The Chicken in Kiev
« Reply #24 on: May 24, 2019, 01:26:03 AM »
So what’s the plan now trench?...... you’ve invested a few years into this and not making much progress.

Progress is being made, I've learnt a lot of stuff along the way and although it doesn't look like it's born much fruit so far I think it could do in the end. I'll keep learning and making improvements from it and I think that will help. I think I've got a lot better idea of where to steer on all of this now and know more about the FSU dating scene as a whole. So I'm going to be working on myself in the interim and hopefully will get out and have a proper crack at it this summer. I'm looking at visiting a girl in a provincial city from a dating site, could be anywhere in the FSU but think Ukraine is most likely as it's where I find the women the most attractive. I'll be ready to deploy whatever secondary back ups I can if it doesn't work out.

At the end of the day a lot of guys don't get lucky first time around or even on the first few occasions so it's really just a case of keep trying and learning and improving as I go along I think and hopefully I may get there.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster


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