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Author Topic: Coronavirus, how are you preparing for it and how it is affecting you so far?  (Read 465871 times)

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Coronavirus, how are you preparing for it and how it is affecting you so far?
« Reply #1275 on: March 24, 2020, 03:00:36 PM »
Also how it is affecting them so far

Honestly hadn't planned on giving up quite this much for Lent.

FSUW are not for entry level daters
FSUW don't do vague
FSUW like a man of action. Be a man of action 
If you find a promising girl, get your butt on a plane.
There are a hundred ways to be successful and a thousand ways to f#ck it up
Just kiss the girl, don't ask her first. Tolerate NO excuses!

Offline Gator

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Coronavirus, how are you preparing for it and how it is affecting you so far?
« Reply #1276 on: March 24, 2020, 03:18:20 PM »

when we squeeze Europa in a few years with gas and oil
we won’t need anything at all from you

Earlier you said it was the end of the world.  Now you say in a few years the West still needs gas and oil. 

Which one is your predicted future,  silly boy old goat?

we’ll see who wins the war that’s coming...
doubt it will be you
see ya, wouldn’t wanna be ya
stoopid Yankees

The Ruskies should worry about their neighbor to the south.  China has 60 million males of military age who have no woman.  The Chinese leaders will arm them, show them photos from Elena's Models and Russian porn,  point them north, and give the order to pillage and plunder. 

Offline krimster2

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Coronavirus, how are you preparing for it and how it is affecting you so far?
« Reply #1277 on: March 24, 2020, 03:47:02 PM »
in Corona land,
you must either choose death
or let death choose you
you have no other choice now
only fools think they can ever choose life
from now on

The Plague
is followed by the
which is followed by
the War
and then it repeats...

when it's finally over... so to is the USA, more or less...
everything you have ever loved Gator, EVERYTHING will BE GONE in 10 years

and it happened, because of the choice that people like you made Gator
that put the worst captain in the universe in charge of the Titanic and let him ram the iceberg at full speed
while announcing to everyone his greatness, applause please, thank you....
and yes, first class passengers, especially his own family and friends, please line up for spots on the dwindling number of lifeboats
that the captain will be soon handing out in the back room...

all of you down in steerage, whose fat asses are gonna be drownin pretty soon....
sad face  :(.....
for all of you

you have my thoughts AND prayers!!
« Last Edit: March 24, 2020, 05:44:11 PM by krimster2 »

Offline BillyB

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Coronavirus, how are you preparing for it and how it is affecting you so far?
« Reply #1278 on: March 24, 2020, 03:52:50 PM »
Has the US, albeit unintentional (will leave doubt to the conspiracy folks) kept the numbers artificially low by limited testing?  Untested deaths are not being counted and even many with symptoms at hospitals still going without.

Why do you keep referring to lack of testing makes us blind? What's more important than testing is what is happening in hospitals and America does not need to lockdown our nation like European nations are doing based on activity in hospitals. India only reports 536 infections yet just ordered a 3 week lockdown for a population of 1.3 billion. They can see what is going on in their hospitals without testing to know a lockdown is needed.

It appears the determination has been made that our economy is going to be more important than lives. So the US government is now playing god.

Trump made it clear lives are more important to him and if the economy is shut down, people lose their jobs, businesses bankrupt, and people will get depressed. In other words, suicides will skyrocket and the cure becomes more of a problem than the virus. I remember my grandmother telling me back in the Great Depression, people were routinely committing suicide after losing everything.

At this point, It won't do California much good to lock down if Arizona doesn't, and it won't do Mississippi much good to lock if Louisiana doesn't lock down.   So there will be deaths, and perhaps a lot of them.  They could be prevented, but the US doesn't have the stomach to do it, the US isn't willing to make the sacrifice that other nations are attempting.  The US and the world will pay a consequence in deaths for our decision.  Down the line I won't be surprised if US travelers aren't wanted or quarantined in parts of the world.

What's the sense of America completely locking down if all nations in the world isn't locked down at the same time? Trump has given local and State leaders the right to lock down their areas as they see fit. Trump does not need to lockdown small town USA if big cities are needing a lockdown. Why hurt everybody when  a good portion of America is still healthy? There's no way to win this battle in the first round. All we can do is limit the damage and sacrificing too much of the economy on the first round isn't smart. We need a healthy economy to continue to battle the virus. When you see a nation go bankrupt fighting the virus and ceases to function, you will see anarchy and a massive amount of death. America can last a awhile so pay attention to nations that's already financially and politically on the edge of collapse.

NIH's Tony Fauci was not present.  Fox asked Trump about his absence, and he replied that Tony is busy doing many other things.  When asked about the personal relationship with Fauci, Trump answered the relationship is good.

Tony Fauci, a Dr. and expert, may not be the right leader of infectious diseases at this time we need. Scroll down the website to read Tony on Jan 24 say China is being quite transparent and China's travel restrictions won't have much of an impact on containing the spread. He also said he can't imagine America locking down LA and NY. Tony said "historically when you shut things down it doesn’t have a major effect.” Of course he never experienced something like this and he's probably wrong. It's possible he's still stuck on his beliefs and is disagreeing with politicians pertaining to lockdowns and travel restrictions and if so, he will become irrelevant but the media loves him right now because they imply with Tony gone, Trump disagrees with an "Expert"

I'm very confident we'll have less Corona virus deaths in the UK than the average 17,000 deaths per year from Flu here.

I'm also confident you'll have less Corona virus deaths in the USA than the average 36,000 deaths per year from Flu there.

Flus aren't dangerous, have a vaccine and treatments, so governments won't take action. COVID-19 is much more dangerous with no vaccine or treatment so governments take action. If they didn't take action, we'd lose many more people than the flu. If you were going to be infected by the coronavirus or the flu, which would you prefer? On the plus side, with lock downs and getting people washing hands and keeping their distance more often, there will be less flus this years and less lives lost.

The UK recorded it's first case of coronavirus Jan 31. less than two months later UK is under lockdown and hasn't hit the height of it's curve. After the curb bottoms out, some people will still walk around infected and less than two months later, you'll be under another lockdown. It will be a never ending yo yo effect hopefully less damaging each time it goes up and down. This virus been out only a few months. Let's wait a year and compared deaths and economic damage the virus causes compared to the flu.
Fund the audits, spread the word and educate people, write your politicians and other elected officials. Stay active in the fight to save our country. Over 220 generals and admirals say we are in a fight for our survival like no other time since 1776.

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Coronavirus, how are you preparing for it and how it is affecting you so far?
« Reply #1279 on: March 24, 2020, 04:03:40 PM »

China loses 21 million mobile phone users. I don't see how 3200 dead Chinese translates to 21 million mobile phone users not renewing their subscriptions.
Fund the audits, spread the word and educate people, write your politicians and other elected officials. Stay active in the fight to save our country. Over 220 generals and admirals say we are in a fight for our survival like no other time since 1776.

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Coronavirus, how are you preparing for it and how it is affecting you so far?
« Reply #1280 on: March 24, 2020, 04:06:06 PM »
I read this article less than 48 hours ago and The Good Dr has  'gone' ?

Yet another expert that dared to contradict 'Trampu' ...

"Anthony Fauci has earned the presumption-of-credibility for his comments. Donald Trump has earned the presumption that he is lying or confused. "

Watching some try to put a spin on this farce is indicative of just how badly the President is handling this crisis .... the "magic BS dust "is still working for some..

Offline GQBlues

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Coronavirus, how are you preparing for it and how it is affecting you so far?
« Reply #1281 on: March 24, 2020, 04:08:26 PM »
>> "When you make decisions using imperfect information, you make imperfect decisions. No matter what we decide, it will have problems,” << Mark Cuban

I agree. I'm alluding to only testing symptomatic patients. Are we not learning anything from Italy?
Quote from: msmob
1. Because of 'man', global warming is causing desert and arid areas to suffer long, dry spell.
2. The 2018 Camp Fire and Woolsey California wildfires are forests burning because of global warming.
3. N95 mask will choke you dead after 30 min. of use.

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Coronavirus, how are you preparing for it and how it is affecting you so far?
« Reply #1282 on: March 24, 2020, 04:34:49 PM »
>> "When you make decisions using imperfect information, you make imperfect decisions. No matter what we decide, it will have problems,” << Mark Cuban

I agree. I'm alluding to only testing symptomatic patients. Are we not learning anything from Italy?

No country has enough tests to test every citizen. Even if they did, they can't win the war in the first battle. Everybody needs to finish their curve, regroup and with better preparedness and more test kits available, reduce the deaths in round two. Some nations are already starting round two. Outbreaks between nations will stagger. Probably need to say goodbye to international vacations for the next few years. Airlines are talking about even grounding all domestic flights.

I read this article less than 48 hours ago and The Good Dr has  'gone' ?

Yet another expert that dared to contradict 'Trampu' ...

"Anthony Fauci has earned the presumption-of-credibility for his comments. Donald Trump has earned the presumption that he is lying or confused. "

Watching some try to put a spin on this farce is indicative of just how badly the President is handling this crisis .... the "magic BS dust "is still working for some..

You accept the Journalist's opinion as truth. Trump said there's no issue and I found some words from Fauci below. The media needs to stop making up stories that divide the nation. You should stop believing everything you read.

Dr. Anthony Fauci: I Wish Media Would Stop Trying to Pit Me Against President Trump

One of the most notable figures during the Trump administration’s handling of the Coronavirus outbreak has been Dr. Anthony Fauci of the Coronavirus Task Force. His tireless work has helped President Donald Trump make the best possible decisions when it comes to the problem at hand and Fauci is loved by both sides of the aisle for it.

From WMAL’s Morning on the Mall with hosts Vince Coglianese and Mary Walter.

The radio show hosts asked Fauci if he’s trying to balance out his advice with the economic situation, and Fauci made it clear that this is not something he’s engaging in. His concern is with the virus, but he noted that Trump has to consider all aspects of this fallout, not just the medical aspects. He did acknowledge that a failing economy causes its own health problems.

“What the President is trying to do is balance the public health issues with the fact this is having an enormous impact on the economy of the country which may actually, indirectly, cause an incredible amount of harm… even health-wise,” explained Fauci.

Eventually, at around the six-minute mark, the hosts directly asked Fauci about the media’s constant attempts to slam Trump for any reason whatsoever, something that Fauci acknowledged and called “unfortunate.”

“It seems like increasingly a bunch of the questions from the media are designed to create a rift between you and the President of the United States, or at least to sort of emphasize differences of opinion in a way that creates distance between you and the president,” said Coglianese. “Are you sensing that as the media continually asks you questions about the differences you have with him.”

“That is really unfortunate. I would wish that that would stop because we have a much bigger problem here than trying to point out differences,” said Fauci. “Really, fundamentally at the core, when you look at things there are not differences.

“The President has listened to what I have said and what the other people on the task force have said. When I’ve made recommendations, he’s taken them. He’s never countered or overridden me,” he continued. “The idea of just pitting one against the other is just not helpful. I wish that would stop and we’d look ahead at the challenge we have. To pull together to get over this thing,” he said.
Fund the audits, spread the word and educate people, write your politicians and other elected officials. Stay active in the fight to save our country. Over 220 generals and admirals say we are in a fight for our survival like no other time since 1776.

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Coronavirus, how are you preparing for it and how it is affecting you so far?
« Reply #1283 on: March 24, 2020, 05:03:27 PM »
No country has enough tests to test every citizen. Even if they did, they can't win the war in the first battle. Everybody needs to finish their curve, regroup and with better preparedness and more test kits available, reduce the deaths in round two. Some nations are already starting round two. Outbreaks between nations will stagger. Probably need to say goodbye to international vacations for the next few years. Airlines are talking about even grounding all domestic flights.

Yes. In the meantime, the asymptomatics are infecting more people because they, and the people around them, believe they're not infected.

In my mind, people who sneezes around, or people who can be seen sniffling, coughing, etc..are people you avoid. People who doesn't show these 'symptoms' are the bigger danger to anyone than the former. That's just reality.
Quote from: msmob
1. Because of 'man', global warming is causing desert and arid areas to suffer long, dry spell.
2. The 2018 Camp Fire and Woolsey California wildfires are forests burning because of global warming.
3. N95 mask will choke you dead after 30 min. of use.

Offline krimster2

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Coronavirus, how are you preparing for it and how it is affecting you so far?
« Reply #1284 on: March 24, 2020, 05:38:22 PM »
virus rebel, your face is a mess
because I blew it clean off your head
I have mirrors mounted on my sun glasses
and saw what ya did
I gotta do a full bio goop spray now
all over my back and front
amazed you actually had any brains
let alone the amount I now see
WTF?  teenagers?  when will they freakin learn?

why’s everyone in the parking lot lookin at me like that?
“hey, he was a virus rebel that was spitting on boomers, ok?”
“great! thanks!” are the replies I receive...
I don’t know if I’m supposed to call someone now or what?
I’ll ask someone else, maybe they’ll know....
“oh yoo-hoo mister” “can I ask you a question?”

welcome to Trump's America 3 months from now...

Offline Gator

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Coronavirus, how are you preparing for it and how it is affecting you so far?
« Reply #1285 on: March 24, 2020, 05:42:50 PM »
>> "When you make decisions using imperfect information, you make imperfect decisions. No matter what we decide, it will have problems,” << Mark Cuban

I never had perfect information when making many critical decisions.  Instead I had a plan, a plan that inevitably had to be changed as 'things' changed.

Obtaining perfect information is time consuming, and meanwhile the world is changing, and the opportunity could be missed.   

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Coronavirus, how are you preparing for it and how it is affecting you so far?
« Reply #1286 on: March 24, 2020, 05:53:44 PM »
the key to survival in Corona land is social isolation...
there is nothing other than this....

from now on every child born in America
will probably have Corona 3-4 times by the time they are 40...
maybe 1% will die in this age group this way by this age....

10 years from now
there will be hardly any people over age 60
and hardly any people with serious medical issues
left alive...

JUST by this time next year, the GDP will have fallen by over 20 percent
and the rapidly approaching stock market crash will be bigger than the crash of '29
ans unemployment will also be over 20%

the virus death toll in the USA will be in the millions
and the virus will still be raging on...
itself trying to get heavenward to infinity
or die trying

« Last Edit: March 24, 2020, 05:55:59 PM by krimster2 »

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Coronavirus, how are you preparing for it and how it is affecting you so far?
« Reply #1287 on: March 24, 2020, 06:23:24 PM »

this is today!!!
during Easter the Corona virus will just be starting into its first peak...
and King Trumpus wants his followers to all go to church to pray (for him)

then heaven, right?

if this isn't chugging the kool-aid I don't know what is...
when will you people stop following this moron?

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Coronavirus, how are you preparing for it and how it is affecting you so far?
« Reply #1288 on: March 24, 2020, 07:03:41 PM »
Hey Trench, much as I abhor BC's new found double stds - he's in Italy  - not Berlin ..

Now, one minute you're in Dorset, then at work .. so back in S.Wales(?) well done for keeping down on the social interaction front !

On day 5 of social isolation with Ma and just tied to order food online from all of the big boys in groceries ...  ALL booked out solid for 3 weeks to a month

We have enough meat / bread / milk for a week and even toilet roll for a month - ordered 1 x pack of 24 - as per usual with own to 3

Our local shop will deliver on orders over a tenner - so guess who's going to be getting out biz ?

In the mean time, not sure how delivering Trench gym kit is a vital service .. at such times ?!

Those still golfing in America ....  WHY ?  You're taking a risk ...  Stay at home !

Mobe, we're supposed to be self isolating not self imprisoning lol.

Gym goers ordering in gym equipment will make it easier to self isolate at home for longer periods. It will also keep up resistance to the virus. Not least to mention aiding the economy to avoid it becoming an economic wasteland.

My trips to South Wales and Dorset I drive alone in my car. In Wales I live alone at my place spending the time converting it to rent out to lodgers. Only about 3 months if work left now. I do this work myself so all in all very low people contact time. Whenever I get in supplies I don't linger too much and I usually wear gloves. So I'm pretty sure it's way below the average in terms of exposure of risk to others.

The ones I feel sorry for are supermarket workers, no getting away from expose there as things presently stand. I doubt their remuneration has improved either to take account of the vastly increased risk either.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Coronavirus, how are you preparing for it and how it is affecting you so far?
« Reply #1289 on: March 24, 2020, 07:15:10 PM »
Why do you keep referring to lack of testing makes us blind? What's more important than testing is what is happening in hospitals and America does not need to lockdown our nation like European nations are doing based on activity in hospitals. India only reports 536 infections yet just ordered a 3 week lockdown for a population of 1.3 billion. They can see what is going on in their hospitals without testing to know a lockdown is needed.

Again, argumentum ad ignorantiam

India reported 100 deaths, a minuscule number in a nation of 1.3 Billion that would hardly be noticed in hospitals without testing.  Just because US hospitals are not yet overflowing with tough choices to be made does not mean it will not come down to that.  Time will tell.

The only known way to slow and stop a virus is to isolate and give it enough time to run out of hosts it needs in order to replicate.  I can look at the map of Italy and see the north/south divide and effects of isolation.

Lombardia (Milan area) has roughly 10 million inhabitants with a total of 30,000 cases detected so far.  That is 3000 cases per million.

Lazio (Rome area) has roughly 6 million inhabitants with a total of 1728 cases so far. That is 288 per million, less than one-tenth the rate in Milan..

Why the difference?  There should be 9000 cases in Rome, and there would be without the lockdown.

Over 4,000 have died in Milan.  80 in Rome.

Campania, Naples area also has a population of around 6 million and is little over one hour drive away from Rome. both these regions are neighbors. Normal traffic between these two cities is intense, to say the least.  Naples total, 1101 cases and 56 dead.

So a population of 12 million, just ripe for the pickin' for this virus.  But it ain't happening and hopefully will stay contained

These are the three most densely populated areas in Italy, two of them are major domestic and international airport hubs. Almost 11,000 active cases are in home quarantine, identified with testing. Even a few of these run amok can cause havoc.  If one wants to visit friends, infects someone that dies they can be charged with murder.

Without the national lockdown, it would likely be much, much worse.  Italy was slow to catch on initially, trying localized isolation.  It did not work.  Watching folks die in hospitals doesn't work either.

Want to just sit back and watch the ER and morgue trucks?

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Coronavirus, how are you preparing for it and how it is affecting you so far?
« Reply #1290 on: March 24, 2020, 07:18:19 PM »
Yes. In the meantime, the asymptomatics are infecting more people because they, and the people around them, believe they're not infected.

In my mind, people who sneezes around, or people who can be seen sniffling, coughing, etc..are people you avoid. People who doesn't show these 'symptoms' are the bigger danger to anyone than the former. That's just reality.


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Coronavirus, how are you preparing for it and how it is affecting you so far?
« Reply #1291 on: March 24, 2020, 07:53:50 PM »

Trump made it clear lives are more important to him and if the economy is shut down, people lose their jobs, businesses bankrupt, and people will get depressed. In other words, suicides will skyrocket and the cure becomes more of a problem than the virus. I remember my grandmother telling me back in the Great Depression, people were routinely committing suicide after losing everything.
Several posters here have talked about how 'exceptional' we in the US are so a few weeks under lockdown shouldn't cause mass suicides. 

What's the sense of America completely locking down if all nations in the world isn't locked down at the same time?
I was wondering if anybody would make that point, which is a decent one.  I think if were to have locked down, other nations would have followed suit.   America may back more severe measures if the virus starts killing like it has been in italy.  Trump if anything seems to be undermining taking the cautious approach.  I saw more cars on the road today than yesterday.  Still not near normal but I think the trend is going the other way now.  What it will bring, we are soon going to find out I guess. 


I just happened to be browsing about the internet....

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Coronavirus, how are you preparing for it and how it is affecting you so far?
« Reply #1292 on: March 24, 2020, 07:55:32 PM »
I never had perfect information when making many critical decisions.  Instead I had a plan, a plan that inevitably had to be changed as 'things' changed.

Obtaining perfect information is time consuming, and meanwhile the world is changing, and the opportunity could be missed.

These situations are constantly with us and call for the Bayesian Approach.
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Coronavirus, how are you preparing for it and how it is affecting you so far?
« Reply #1293 on: March 24, 2020, 08:03:33 PM »
Mobe's three week wait for his groceries shows how one sector of the economy needs to change and adapt to present circumstances. Going forward Supermarkets will need more delivery drivers and will have to organise how they go about picking the stock for a much larger volume of customers. Quite possibly this model of consumer behaviour may stay dominant even after this virus crises has past. Think of the time saved buzzing around Supermarkets. If a greater consumer base shop like this then economies of scale could make delivery costs much cheaper. In some cases delivery could be free just a business cost absorbed into the prices overall.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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Coronavirus, how are you preparing for it and how it is affecting you so far?
« Reply #1294 on: March 24, 2020, 08:35:00 PM »
Joe Biden on the View today... "We've got to take care of the cure because that will make the problem worse no matter matter what"...blink blink blink

He practically nominated Mario Cuomo for president.
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Coronavirus, how are you preparing for it and how it is affecting you so far?
« Reply #1295 on: March 24, 2020, 08:51:11 PM »
the asymptomatics are infecting more people because they, and the people around them, believe they're not infected.

That is one of the most dangerous characteristics of this virus since it doesn't affect some people. But just because it doesn't affect them now doesn't mean it won't affect them next time they get it. The CDC says we get 2-3 colds a year as an adult and may average 12 colds a year as a child. A 50 yo person may have gone through 150 colds in his/her lifetime. I don't feel I had nearly that many colds in my life so this new coronavirus behaves like the coronaviruses that give us the common cold where sometimes we feel it and most of the time we don't.

I think if were to have locked down, other nations would have followed suit.   

Not just nations have to agree, but 7.8 billion people have to agree at the same time to self isolate to prevent infecting others. Some people think this is a hoax and won't take it seriously. Some people think it's no dangerous than the flu. Some people are thrilled with population and civilization in decline and cheer the virus on. Some people simply don't follow the law and rules. Russia may enjoy watching geopolitical enemies take a much bigger hit than they and see no interest in removing the virus off the face of the earth yet until they see an America that is too busy with the virus and too weak to come to the defense of its friends. It's going to be impossible to get 100% participation in a unified effort worldwide to defeat the virus. We may be in this for the long haul.

Without the national lockdown, it would likely be much, much worse.  Italy was slow to catch on initially, trying localized isolation.  It did not work.  Watching folks die in hospitals doesn't work either.

Want to just sit back and watch the ER and morgue trucks?

The USA does not need a national lockdown. Even if we had one, it's not going to stop the virus. We need lockdowns in certain areas, that's it. Destroying jobs, businesses, and the economy is only wise if this virus can be defeated right away. Since it can't be defeated right away, we need to plan for a long term fight and it's going to cost money so we need the economy to continue to provide the funds for the fight.

Italy's fault was underestimating the virus. NY will be America's Italy because they failed to take earlier action when the evidence was right there in January. I'm not an expert in virology or epidemics but with knowing there isn't vaccines for coronaviruses, studying the behavior of this new virus and knowing China lies about what goes on in their country and lies about the numbers, I could tell this virus could change how humanity behaves forever and made those statements on this forum before Italy went under lockdown. If I can figure it out, why didn't the smart people in Italy and other nations figure it out?. Surely Italy, NY and every other government entity in the world have health departments that can warn their leaders so they can prepare with supplies and actions that will reduce the curve. We had a front row seat watching the shit show in China. Are we that naïve to believe the virus won't be going on a world tour to provide every nation a shit show? Did you actually believe at one time China had the virus under control and it won't be coming to your shores to do to Italy what it done to China?

Many leaders in the world failed and many experts in the medical field failed to understand how dangerous the virus was and warn their leaders. Trump was one of the first leaders in the world to take action against the spread of the virus in America yet people call him racist and incompetent. Go figure. Trump even knew how bad Europe had the virus before Europe knew how bad it was there. Trump banned travel from Europe and Europe protested the decision. They really didn't know they had a problem although Trump did. Although many leaders in the world learned the hard way, they learned. Future outbreaks shouldn't be as damaging.

While NY will become America's Italy, King County, WA will become America's South Korea. We were once the most infected area in America but things have calmed down a lot. South Korea started their curve the same time as Italy. Some say South Korea knew how to beat the virus but truth is they were lucky because a huge chunk of their infections came from a church group. King County was lucky because a huge chunk of our infections came from an old folks home so government could quickly round up the whole group and separate them from the population.

Everyday I watch a group of European nations that equals total population of America and see they have much more infections and deaths. Trump did better than the leaders of those nations. Bragging rights are sought after when comparing which Western government and health care system is the best but people should focus on China. China is costing the world big time.

Keep in mind, when Italy is finished with this outbreak, they will have to deal with other outbreaks every two months as the curve goes up and down. The first outbreak is brutal. Don't destroy your economy over this first battle. Lives will be lost. Can't save everybody. Save some strength for the fights coming up. This war may last years and still we may not win it.
Fund the audits, spread the word and educate people, write your politicians and other elected officials. Stay active in the fight to save our country. Over 220 generals and admirals say we are in a fight for our survival like no other time since 1776.

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Coronavirus, how are you preparing for it and how it is affecting you so far?
« Reply #1296 on: March 24, 2020, 10:59:17 PM »
General Motors has joined the effort. They will be making coffins.
Yes sir, you can be buried in a new by Fisher.
Also making morgue equipment.....would you like a 2 drawer or a 4 drawer?

I am going to try to live long enough for the box with tailfins to become available.
« Last Edit: March 24, 2020, 11:17:33 PM by Grumpy »
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Cheap women are not good
(but they can be a lot of fun)

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Coronavirus, how are you preparing for it and how it is affecting you so far?
« Reply #1297 on: March 25, 2020, 01:45:45 AM »
Mobe's three week wait for his groceries shows how one sector of the economy needs to change and adapt to present circumstances. Going forward Supermarkets will need more delivery drivers and will have to organise how they go about picking the stock for a much larger volume of customers. Quite possibly this model of consumer behaviour may stay dominant even after this virus crises has past. Think of the time saved buzzing around Supermarkets. If a greater consumer base shop like this then economies of scale could make delivery costs much cheaper. In some cases delivery could be free just a business cost absorbed into the prices overall.

Pin those ears back , Trench !

I said I couldn't order produce online ( from the big boys), at all .. as the limit was three weeks ahead and all booked ( click and collect and home delivery)

Went down to the village shop at 07:00 and they will deliver - costs sl more but delivery in 48 hours

Losing the village shop / Post Office WOULD be bad ... hope they keep healthy

This morning, Thailand closed the beaches ...  If Sveta had to stay there ..and she's not escaped YET .. ( the taxi to the airport is is due in an hour ! ) that WOULD be a crisis ;)

To those thinking only US cities should be closed ... you ain't getting it ( still )

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Coronavirus, how are you preparing for it and how it is affecting you so far?
« Reply #1298 on: March 25, 2020, 02:13:47 AM »

The USA does not need a national lockdown. Even if we had one, it's not going to stop the virus. We need lockdowns in certain areas, that's it. Destroying jobs, businesses, and the economy is only wise if this virus can be defeated right away. Since it can't be defeated right away, we need to plan for a long term fight and it's going to cost money so we need the economy to continue to provide the funds for the fight.

Cuomo is right, those that have had the virus need to be identified and can go back to work, but right now the fires have to be put out.  Too much tinder abounds.  Just like a fire one has to confine and let it burn itself out.  Unlike a contained fire, this virus can jump long distances unseen.  There are fires in every state along with every major and medium-sized city.

Italy's fault was underestimating the virus.

Every nation on the planet has underestimated the virus.

NY will be America's Italy because they failed to take earlier action when the evidence was right there in January.

No, NY will become Italy's Lombardia. Unlike Lombardia, no one is preventing anyone from getting in or out of NY.

While NY will become America's Italy, King County, WA will become America's South Korea.

Good comparison with King County and Korea.  KS and WA both tested extensively, isolated the infected and quickly moved on.  Unlike Korea, King County is not restricting and checking who goes in and out.

Everyday I watch a group of European nations that equals total population of America and see they have much more infections and deaths. Trump did better than the leaders of those nations. Bragging rights are sought after when comparing which Western government and health care system is the best but people should focus on China. China is costing the world big time.

As discussed with Gator, there are plenty of reasons why the infection rate is slower in the US.  See those posts. As for 'bragging rights' check back in a month or so.

Keep in mind, when Italy is finished with this outbreak, they will have to deal with other outbreaks every two months as the curve goes up and down. The first outbreak is brutal. Don't destroy your economy over this first battle. Lives will be lost. Can't save everybody. Save some strength for the fights coming up. This war may last years and still we may not win it.

Italy as many other EU nations will stay locked down for a good while after cases peak out and even die out.  Folks may even be tested and segregated by their infection status and given their red, yellow and green cards like is done in China.  Until a vaccine is available, restrictions of some kind will still stay in place.  We will find a new 'normal' whatever that may be, but the fires have to be contained for now with physical barriers in place to keep reinfection to a minimum.

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Coronavirus, how are you preparing for it and how it is affecting you so far?
« Reply #1299 on: March 25, 2020, 05:38:49 AM »
Pin those ears back , Trench !

I said I couldn't order produce online ( from the big boys), at all .. as the limit was three weeks ahead and all booked ( click and collect and home delivery)

Went down to the village shop at 07:00 and they will deliver - costs sl more but delivery in 48 hours

Losing the village shop / Post Office WOULD be bad ... hope they keep healthy

This morning, Thailand closed the beaches ...  If Sveta had to stay there ..and she's not escaped YET .. ( the taxi to the airport is is due in an hour ! ) that WOULD be a crisis ;)

To those thinking only US cities should be closed ... you ain't getting it ( still )

Thailand even closed the beaches? Probably pretty hard to enforce beach closures, except for the main beaches in resort areas like Pattaya, Koh Samui and Phuket. Personally, I cant believe anyone would swim at the main resort areas with all the raw sewage Thailand pumps into them. The only people I see going swimming at those beaches are Russians.
  Phi Phi Island is somewhat isolated with nice hotels and a good beach. I would guess hotel security looks the other way when people go to the beach. Otherwise, everyone would just leave


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