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Author Topic: Is this a scammer?  (Read 28581 times)

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Offline RussianWomenOnly

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Is this a scammer?
« Reply #25 on: July 10, 2022, 07:17:59 PM »
DAVO:  pertaining to sexual relations, I'm more a traditionalist. Not to mention STDs.  I don't just jump into bed with anyone even if the girl is very beautiful and wants to have sex. Kinda want to protect myself.  However, if she and I do commit to that point, and I know she don't have any disease, you don't have to worry.  I know I can satisfy her. 

Online krimster2

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Is this a scammer?
« Reply #26 on: July 10, 2022, 07:38:16 PM »
Dewd, the Andromeda galaxy is closer to us than you are to getting into bed with this woman…

what does she WANT?
when does she want it?

this is why she wants to put pressure on you to come in the next 60 days,
which means you’d have to start planning your trip NOW…

BECAUSE that’s when yur gonna open the “money spigot” and start spendin it on HER
because she’s gonna start needin some of THIS and some of THAT, la-dee-da...

and if she doesn’t freakin GET IT?
then she’s gonna make you feel, well...JUST LIKE YOU FEEL NOW…
don’t you understand how she’s CONTROLLING YOU?
YOU FEEL this way, because SHE WANTS YOU TO!

If I were actually in some jungle doing ACTUAL HUNTING with you
I’d be freakin worried about your personal safety

it’d be like someone who never saw a single animal their entire life
suddenly comes face to face with a man eating lion

you have NO IDEA WTF you are dealing with, and you already have this forlorn unrequitted love
thing goin on,

this makes you EASY PREY for a predator or scammer

This is almost as bad as the last time I was in China, many of the young engineers I worked with had virtual girlfriends on their phones,
they took their virtual girlfriends WAY TOO SERIOUSLY

also you no-speaka de Moldovan, so she brings a translator, who also NEEDS to be paid
as a result, your mutual communication is practically non-existant, it'd bee like talkin through the old google translate...

Don Quixote had better luck with windmills, then what you're gonna get followin this path...
think about WTF not getting laid is doing to your thinking
forget the mumbo jumbo friends BS, just go "get some"

« Last Edit: July 10, 2022, 07:58:01 PM by krimster2 »

Offline Trenchcoat

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Is this a scammer?
« Reply #27 on: July 10, 2022, 10:37:20 PM »

what does she WANT?
when does she want it?

You're as good as ever Krim :D
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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« Reply #28 on: July 10, 2022, 11:14:48 PM »
Trenchcoat:  Thank you very much for that. I am very confused as to why she wants relationship before friendship.  That just seems so upside down.  How can a marriage last if you are not friends to get to know each other first then commit?  As for child, its something I can accept.  There's no way I will only get her here to the US without her child. I know it cost more and maybe more complicated but it doesn't worry me.  If I can find true love with this woman, I will accept her child as my own.  And for the red flags, yes I see red flags, which is why I am not going to visit her until I am completely satisfied with everything and that it's not a scam.

Thanks everyone for your wisdom and advice, please keep them coming.

The 'getting to know you part' will happen at the start of a romantic relationship in the FSU anyway. It is already happening to some extent as you are messaging each other. The first girl I met in the FSU, in Kyiv I spent the week with, we got on well spent time visiting attractions together, we had no sex, I did not ask nor push to be intimate, it didn't go any further after we met. So you can meet and get to know each other like that, some guys have continued with a girl after a meeting like that and then had sex/long term relationship, some don't as there was no chemistry so they move on. The main thing is to drop talk of friends here they just don't phrase the 'getting to know you' phrase as that, it's not to say they don't do it but likely they tend to do getting to know you phrase quicker than in the west rather than a long drawn out affair, I would avoid that. That said I wouldn't push for sex early on, let things take their natural course. It's kind of reading the dialogue as you go when you meet and I think on that one Krim is right when he points to experience being a good guide.

Do you know how old the Son is? and How much do you earn? Roughly. I ask as these are both very relevant and connected. It's fine saying stuff like you wouldn't do it without bringing her son over (FSW tend to be very connected to their offspring anyhow) but it's going to be a huge financial outlay on your part. Your in the US not the UK where education is free, benefits for this, that and the other exist, where dentistry is free for kids, hospital is free, etc, etc. The flight over will cost more also for her and child, she will also want to visit back home quite possibly. She is also unlikely to be able to work unless her English is good and she is willing. A FSW alone can be a big financial burden but that increases substantially with a child. Money will be flowing out of your account with spend, spend, spend. Every few moments she will need something for herself and her child so watch your hard earned cash drift away fast! The big downer for you is that you are in the US where you have to foot the bill for everything yourself personally. In the UK I could be 'kid needs to go to hospital, school, dentist - great no cost there' in the US as you know you will be tapped for everything. Then at any point after obtaining her Green Card she can leave you, no guarantees in all of this.

It's why I only go for women without kids, it's just too costly to set off on that foot and that's as a UK guy. I messaged some girl early on when looking in this venture with a kid. It quickly dawned on me that it's a place I wouldn't like to be economically from the get go. I can get on fine with other people's kids but it's just the economic cost and paying for someone else's kid doesn't jive with me. A FSW loyalty will be with her kid first you second if you're lucky. I'm not saying don't go out and meet her but if you have to search again really consider searching instead for women without kids in my opinion.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

Offline RussianWomenOnly

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« Reply #29 on: July 11, 2022, 04:30:43 AM »
She speaks good English but of course with a strong accent when I video chatted with her.  But her level of English is really good with texting.  I don't see this as a red flag because I had a Russian friend in college and her English speaking skills was ok with strong accent but her writing was actually better than mine (I'm Asian but I've grew up in the US). 

Yes, I understand the financial obligation and burden if I decided to go through with this. If everything works out as in she is real and not a scammer and there is nothing that is fake (husband still around, she only wants a green card, she only wants to come to the us and leave as soon as she is able, etc, etc), then of course I will support her and her child. 

I can make up to $100k a year given that I start a new federal contracting job in a few weeks plus I have a side hustle. 

(Not to boast or be prideful but) I am not a stupid idiot.  I have a MBA, had 4 years  of federal government experience, was in the Army National Guard. 

Again, thanks for all the replies.

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Is this a scammer?
« Reply #30 on: July 11, 2022, 05:05:32 AM »
Trenchcoat:  Thank you very much for that.  I am very confused as to why she wants relationship before friendship.  That just seems so upside down.  How can a marriage last if you are not friends to get to know each other first then commit?  As for child, its something I can accept.  There's no way I will only get her here to the US without her child. I know it cost more and maybe more complicated but it doesn't worry me.  If I can find true love with this woman, I will accept her child as my own.  And for the red flags, yes I see red flags, which is why I am not going to visit her until I am completely satisfied with everything and that it's not a scam.

Thanks everyone for your wisdom and advice, please keep them coming.

You've already gotten a hodgepodge of advice. Some of it good and some not so good. All of it worth what you paid for it. My experience is from years ago but I believe it is just as pertinent now as it was 15 years ago. My advice is, quit with the paranoia and looking for "red flags". If you're looking for them, you will definitely mind f@ck yourself and find them even when they're not there. She will find them from you if she's looking for them to, are you for real? If you are looking for a woman for a long term relationship you'll have to throw caution to the wind and "trust her".

Forget what the meatheads here tell you including me. No relationship on the footing of suspicion and mistrust can stand anyway. You are either all in this or you are not. If this lady is a scammer or real with ulterior motives you'll find out soon enough. The current path you're on is going to destroy it anyway. Trust her in what she tells you or move on to another. Yeah, kind'a like you would a local gal. Get it?

Offline Trenchcoat

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Is this a scammer?
« Reply #31 on: July 11, 2022, 05:22:09 AM »
She speaks good English but of course with a strong accent when I video chatted with her.  But her level of English is really good with texting.  I don't see this as a red flag because I had a Russian friend in college and her English speaking skills was ok with strong accent but her writing was actually better than mine (I'm Asian but I've grew up in the US). 

Yes, I understand the financial obligation and burden if I decided to go through with this. If everything works out as in she is real and not a scammer and there is nothing that is fake (husband still around, she only wants a green card, she only wants to come to the us and leave as soon as she is able, etc, etc), then of course I will support her and her child. 

I can make up to $100k a year given that I start a new federal contracting job in a few weeks plus I have a side hustle. 

(Not to boast or be prideful but) I am not a stupid idiot.  I have a MBA, had 4 years  of federal government experience, was in the Army National Guard. 

Again, thanks for all the replies.

Moldovans like Ukrainians learn English at School but their level of fluency depends on how well they naturally take to it, effort they put in. Some carry on learning post School age, the first girl I met took it as an optional Unit in Uni. Literally you would hardly know she wasn't English, virtually no accent, understood everything I said and could speak very fluently, she was modest about her level of English but it was pretty much perfect.

I think if that's the sort of money you can bring in then you won't have issues there. Your bigger issues are likely to be as Krim pointed out how you handle them and your ethnicity. The problem with not getting many women up on Fdate is that the ones that do come up could potentially be more likely to be dodgy. If you're not getting much response out of 100 women to there then that points to a real problem/issue and that is likely as Krim stated to be Ethnicity. Another guy I know on here who messaged me a while back was of Indian background, he too had a real tough time finding women out that way and last I heard still was. If I were you I would also consider South America, it's way nearer to you than the FSU it will have the same women desperate for a better life but because they also aren't white they may be more accepting.

I'll be honest if it were me and I was a US citizen I would seriously consider going to South America over the FSU, convenience is a big positive in this venture I think and the nearer a country is the more convenient it will be and so the more resources you can easily bring to bear.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

Offline RussianWomenOnly

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« Reply #32 on: July 11, 2022, 05:41:33 AM »
Trenchcoat:  Yeah, I know there are beautiful woman everywhere.  But let's just say what really gets me going are the Eastern European women.  The blond hair and green eyes, even their accents.  It's just how God made me. 

Offline Trenchcoat

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« Reply #33 on: July 11, 2022, 07:07:02 AM »
Trenchcoat:  Yeah, I know there are beautiful woman everywhere.  But let's just say what really gets me going are the Eastern European women.  The blond hair and green eyes, even their accents.  It's just how God made me.

Hmnnn... Well that tends to come from when the Vikings invaded South all the way down from St. Petersburg to Ukraine direction. Others are from Mongolian stock also Tartars, some Cossacks and possibly some original inhabitants and maybe a few Turks, etc. Probably a lot of inter-racial breeding of those groups along the way. Some women may not be blond but dye their hair but there are many blondes in Russia & Ukraine due to the Viking invasion. However some recent scholars have disputed whether the Vikings were as consistently blond as we have thought they were with many dark haired people also joining their ranks from southern & eastern Europe.

Remember though women always want to date across or up on the general scale of things. So it's what do you offer her?

Faux Pas I think gives some good advice despite his adversarial nature. If there is something not adding up with a girl there is probably a reason. It may not always be that she is a scammer, it may be quite benign but if it gets you thinking of her in a distrustful way then as FP indicates it can get the ball rolling. That's not to say to set aside your instincts but that it may not be the right girl for you as a result.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

Offline 2tallbill

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Is this a scammer?
« Reply #34 on: July 11, 2022, 10:54:39 AM »
My advice is, quit with the paranoia and looking for "red flags". If you're looking for them, you will definitely mind f@ck yourself and find them even when they're not there. She will find them from you if she's looking for them to, are you for real? If you are looking for a woman for a long term relationship you'll have to throw caution to the wind and "trust her".

Forget what the meatheads here tell you including me. No relationship on the footing of suspicion and mistrust can stand anyway. You are either all in this or you are not. If this lady is a scammer or real with ulterior motives you'll find out soon enough. The current path you're on is going to destroy it anyway. Trust her in what she tells you or move on to another. Yeah, kind'a like you would a local gal. Get it?


Advice from the Kinks

"Silly boy, you got so much to live for
So much to aim for, so much to try for
You're blowing it all with paranoia
You're so insecure, you self-destroyer"

to RWO

You have to assume this is a good girl or you will drive yourself
nuts and her into the arms of another man. Always stay cautiously
optimistic. Always drive the relationship forward to the next step.

FSUW are not for entry level daters
FSUW don't do vague
FSUW like a man of action. Be a man of action 
If you find a promising girl, get your butt on a plane.
There are a hundred ways to be successful and a thousand ways to f#ck it up
Just kiss the girl, don't ask her first. Tolerate NO excuses!

Online krimster2

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Is this a scammer?
« Reply #35 on: July 11, 2022, 11:32:34 AM »

I ALWAYS listen to what the whispering voice I hear in my head tells me...

an inexperienced westerner, dealing with a poor, single mother, Moldovan woman
just like HE THINKS he's gonna USE HER for SEX

I got news for this poor feller,
he has NO CLUE what he's walkin' into
and whether his wallet's gonna be "ambushed" at some point or not

you may wanna go "innocent till proven guilty"
but actually, it should be the other way around
based on the probabilities for who he's dealin with

also, he HAS NO CLUE what kind of difficulties he'd experience actually LIVING with her and her child
or how to handle them....

so y'all should just "get real" about this

this board HAS SEEN what these meltdowns look like
they ain't pretty

he's too inexperienced to survive in the jungle he wants to enter...

« Last Edit: July 11, 2022, 11:53:25 AM by krimster2 »

Offline 2tallbill

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Is this a scammer?
« Reply #36 on: July 11, 2022, 11:53:22 AM »
DAVO:  pertaining to sexual relations, I'm more a traditionalist. Not to mention STDs.  I don't just jump into bed with anyone even if the girl is very beautiful and wants to have sex. Kinda want to protect myself.  However, if she and I do commit to that point, and I know she don't have any disease, you don't have to worry.  I know I can satisfy her.

Chemistry is different than swordsmanship skills. Do you mutually want to
to throw all your clothes off and wrestle all day? If one of you doesn't want
that then, you have to move on to find the girl who does.

You will not know the answer to that question until you meet in person and
look into her eyes.

The musical philosophical messaging of Cheap Trick says it all.
"I want you to want me"

« Last Edit: July 11, 2022, 12:13:25 PM by 2tallbill »
FSUW are not for entry level daters
FSUW don't do vague
FSUW like a man of action. Be a man of action 
If you find a promising girl, get your butt on a plane.
There are a hundred ways to be successful and a thousand ways to f#ck it up
Just kiss the girl, don't ask her first. Tolerate NO excuses!

Offline 2tallbill

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Is this a scammer?
« Reply #37 on: July 11, 2022, 12:07:32 PM »

an inexperienced westerner, dealing with a poor, single mother, Moldovan woman
just like HE THINKS he's gonna USE HER for SEX

I got news for this poor feller,
he has NO CLUE what he's walkin' into
and whether his wallet's gonna be "ambushed" at some point or not

you may wanna go "innocent till proven guilty"
but actually, it should be the other way around
based on the probabilities for who he's dealin with

also, he HAS NO CLUE what kind of difficulties he'd experience actually LIVING with her and her child
or how to handle them....

he's too inexperienced to survive in the jungle he wants to enter...

Krim, you and I are what's known as Old Married Bast@rds.
We both wondered into the jungle slayed a number of Jungle Wildcats
and came out with HOT RUSSIAN WIVES wearing bikini's made of
wildcat fur.

It's easy to dismiss newbies as they seem to know little of the dangers
of the jungle or of Tiger teeth.

Our job is to send them off into the Jungle with a little advice, a few anecdotes,
a rape whistle, a pocketful of condoms and a bottle of Bactine antiseptic and let
them find a hot wife or to become Tiger poop. The Jungle tends to sort things out.



PS to those who want to learn about my own experiences as a steaming pile of
Tiger Poop you can read all about it here
« Last Edit: July 11, 2022, 12:46:52 PM by 2tallbill »
FSUW are not for entry level daters
FSUW don't do vague
FSUW like a man of action. Be a man of action 
If you find a promising girl, get your butt on a plane.
There are a hundred ways to be successful and a thousand ways to f#ck it up
Just kiss the girl, don't ask her first. Tolerate NO excuses!

Online krimster2

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« Reply #38 on: July 11, 2022, 12:26:20 PM »
OK, sure treat the noobs like they're Russian soldiers sent out to die for the motherland!!!

yeah, OK!!!
why not?

I like your style!!

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« Reply #39 on: July 11, 2022, 01:53:08 PM »
I don't just jump into bed with anyone even if the girl is very beautiful and wants to have sex.

Now that's pretty weird.
A beautiful woman is pleasant to look at, but it is easier to live with a pleasant acting one.

Offline RussianWomenOnly

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« Reply #40 on: July 12, 2022, 04:11:37 AM »
I am very new but I'm not a stupid idiot.  I know the red flags but this girl, I think she's legit.  I know 100% she is talking with other men just as I am messaging other women as well.  It's like throwing out a big net and see what you get. However, I think I want to pursuit her all the way.  Even if she's a scam, at least I tried.  The most money I will spent is probably buy a plane ticket, book hotel and go to Moldova for a week to visit her.  No direct money to her but indirect money for me to meet her face to face and spent time with her. Let's say she doesn't show up at the airport, oh well, I get to have a week vacation and I haven't taken a real vacation for over 14 years.  So for me, I'm committed to her and I want to make it work.  I just need to know more about Eastern European or FSU women better.  Do they really want to get married just meeting a person 2 to 3 weeks?  Do they really want to leave their country that bad?  I am just not sure but I am open to that possibility because who knows?  Maybe she does want to marry me even though she and I have only known each other like 2 weeks.  IF she's real, not a scammer, and will not leave me as soon as she gets a green card and what not

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« Reply #41 on: July 12, 2022, 05:55:45 AM »
I am very new but I'm not a stupid idiot.  I know the red flags but this girl, I think she's legit.  I know 100% she is talking with other men just as I am messaging other women as well.  It's like throwing out a big net and see what you get. However, I think I want to pursuit her all the way.  Even if she's a scam, at least I tried.  The most money I will spent is probably buy a plane ticket, book hotel and go to Moldova for a week to visit her.  No direct money to her but indirect money for me to meet her face to face and spent time with her. Let's say she doesn't show up at the airport, oh well, I get to have a week vacation and I haven't taken a real vacation for over 14 years.  So for me, I'm committed to her and I want to make it work.  I just need to know more about Eastern European or FSU women better.  Do they really want to get married just meeting a person 2 to 3 weeks?  Do they really want to leave their country that bad?  I am just not sure but I am open to that possibility because who knows?  Maybe she does want to marry me even though she and I have only known each other like 2 weeks.  IF she's real, not a scammer, and will not leave me as soon as she gets a green card and what not

RWO I think you're doing right by seeking out gaining experience in this as often people can say stuff but to really understand it going out and experiencing it can be needed. All I would say on that front is don't be too soft by which I mean if she gets demanding don't be a push over.

Women vary, some it may take more visits, if she want marriage on the first visit be careful not to say good marriages haven't come by that way but more often it's better to not try to rush it too much, not be too slow either. If you are not willing to live with her in her country which will of course require you to maintain an income somehow then she will have to come and live in your country. My guess is the majority of men looking want the women to live in their country because of economic and convenience reasons. Remember she is giving up being near her family assuming she has much family or gets in with them so that is usually a lot for her to give up.

Most of the women on International Dating sites like Fdate will be there because they are willing to leave their home country for a life with a guy abroad. I have asked many FSW why on this question and it's usually pointless to do so as you'll get a stock answer like 'being with the right man is the most important thing so it doesn't matter where in the world'. All I can say is if you go for a woman that wants to live abroad then that comes with her potentially having all sorts of different motives for doing so - I figure that is what the guy risks by taking that path in the girl comes to my country situation.

Don't worry about a no show, the fact that she is spending so much time talking to you particularly over a number of weeks almost guarantees by most FSW character that they will show up, they aren't flaky like western girls. The only time they don't tend to show up is if you are on a pay per message site in which case it was all about paying for the messages. Fortunately you are on a free site so no problems there, as long as she doesn't ask you for money for flight tickets or anything else before you meet you should be ok.
« Last Edit: July 12, 2022, 06:00:22 AM by Trenchcoat »
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster

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« Reply #42 on: July 12, 2022, 07:10:35 AM »
She speaks good English but of course with a strong accent when I video chatted with her.  But her level of English is really good with texting.  I don't see this as a red flag because I had a Russian friend in college and her English speaking skills was ok with strong accent but her writing was actually better than mine (I'm Asian but I've grew up in the US). 

Yes, I understand the financial obligation and burden if I decided to go through with this. If everything works out as in she is real and not a scammer and there is nothing that is fake (husband still around, she only wants a green card, she only wants to come to the us and leave as soon as she is able, etc, etc), then of course I will support her and her child. 

I can make up to $100k a year given that I start a new federal contracting job in a few weeks plus I have a side hustle. 

(Not to boast or be prideful but) I am not a stupid idiot.  I have a MBA, had 4 years  of federal government experience, was in the Army National Guard. 

Again, thanks for all the replies.

As usual, IQ and education have nothing to do with the ability to deal with women. ZERO. Write after me : ZERO, DOUBLE ZERO, TRIPLE ZERO.
I know a criminal case where the woman had an IQ equal to a mule, and the male victims were educated and smart, but they still ended in a coffin.
I know another criminal case where the guy was a top executive in a bank, a guy very rich, very educated. She drugged him (a Russian woman installed in France), and he was put in a car top on of a cliff, and the car was gently pushed by two gangstas she recruited. He was still conscious when the flight began as the coroner said, enough to see his end, but could'nt even lift a finger.  As usual, as a woman, she got barely half of the sentence a man got for such a crime and I am pretty sure she is out of jail now. This is the new equality in the adjusted modern western world as you know.
« Last Edit: July 12, 2022, 03:40:28 PM by Patagonie »
"Je glissais through the paper wall, an angel in the hand, s taboy. I lay on the floor, surgi des chants de Maldoror, je mix l'intégrale de mes nuits de crystal, i belong to the festival.

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« Reply #43 on: July 12, 2022, 07:15:27 AM »
I am very new but I'm not a stupid idiot.  I know the red flags but this girl, I think she's legit.  I know 100% she is talking with other men just as I am messaging other women as well.  It's like throwing out a big net and see what you get. However, I think I want to pursuit her all the way.  Even if she's a scam, at least I tried.  The most money I will spent is probably buy a plane ticket, book hotel and go to Moldova for a week to visit her.  No direct money to her but indirect money for me to meet her face to face and spent time with her. Let's say she doesn't show up at the airport, oh well, I get to have a week vacation and I haven't taken a real vacation for over 14 years.  So for me, I'm committed to her and I want to make it work.  I just need to know more about Eastern European or FSU women better.  Do they really want to get married just meeting a person 2 to 3 weeks?  Do they really want to leave their country that bad?  I am just not sure but I am open to that possibility because who knows?  Maybe she does want to marry me even though she and I have only known each other like 2 weeks.  IF she's real, not a scammer, and will not leave me as soon as she gets a green card and what not
Telling an FSU woman that you want to start a relationship by a friendship is a big mistake, that's is the exact opposite of how it should work
in the Eastern European countries.
So she starts to believe that you are a weirdo.
This nonsense comes from your western culture that had washed your brains and cut your balls.
Dating, romantical, relationship with an Eastern European woman lands ALWAYS in a bed. The shorter the better. Not too short also because no women want to feel like a slut.
« Last Edit: July 12, 2022, 03:41:36 PM by Patagonie »
"Je glissais through the paper wall, an angel in the hand, s taboy. I lay on the floor, surgi des chants de Maldoror, je mix l'intégrale de mes nuits de crystal, i belong to the festival.

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« Reply #44 on: July 12, 2022, 07:23:03 AM »
 "I asked her flat out whether she is talking to other men"
If you have so many insecurities inside you I would advise you to clean it up first, before starting dating FSU women, because they smell it ten miles away. And you are dead very quickly or just maintained in the relationship to be abused (for benefits, for HER benefits).
The real men don't care about other men until things are really serious and get engaged, like fiancee or marry her. At this moment you have to check if you are not just used because a lot want a provider but get the right bang with another lover or will develop some romance later to get some spice (generally with a local). Most westerners cannot detect the hidden games she is playing meanwhile.
« Last Edit: July 12, 2022, 03:47:49 PM by Patagonie »
"Je glissais through the paper wall, an angel in the hand, s taboy. I lay on the floor, surgi des chants de Maldoror, je mix l'intégrale de mes nuits de crystal, i belong to the festival.

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« Reply #45 on: July 12, 2022, 07:25:49 AM »
Side Note:  She is very nice and I think she's the one for someone like me.  I just want her to be real like not a scammer, will not leave me as soon she gets a greencard/US citizenship.  Please help me someone. 

You are already developing fantasm and misleading about someone you don't know.
It is named in the game ONE ITIS.
That's very bad and lead to a lot of deception, fraud, abuse, depression, and suicides in the end for humans in relationship.
You are projecting...
"Je glissais through the paper wall, an angel in the hand, s taboy. I lay on the floor, surgi des chants de Maldoror, je mix l'intégrale de mes nuits de crystal, i belong to the festival.

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« Reply #46 on: July 12, 2022, 07:35:17 AM »
I am very new but I'm not a stupid idiot.  I know the red flags but this girl, I think she's legit.  I know 100% she is talking with other men just as I am messaging other women as well.  It's like throwing out a big net and see what you get. However, I think I want to pursuit her all the way.  Even if she's a scam, at least I tried.  The most money I will spent is probably buy a plane ticket, book hotel and go to Moldova for a week to visit her.  No direct money to her but indirect money for me to meet her face to face and spent time with her. Let's say she doesn't show up at the airport, oh well, I get to have a week vacation and I haven't taken a real vacation for over 14 years.  So for me, I'm committed to her and I want to make it work.  I just need to know more about Eastern European or FSU women better.  Do they really want to get married just meeting a person 2 to 3 weeks?  Do they really want to leave their country that bad?  I am just not sure but I am open to that possibility because who knows?  Maybe she does want to marry me even though she and I have only known each other like 2 weeks.  IF she's real, not a scammer, and will not leave me as soon as she gets a green card and what not
Go to Moldova, that's the best you can do. However, members here will explain to you why, try to contact at least four other girls in the area before landing there. Do it two or three weeks before your departure. Get good masturbation before, to let down the stamina and stop to focus on this girl because until the meeting that's just a chat and nothing else. The girl can dislike you and disappear after one hour. Or just keep you to train her English for the next and have a good time in nice restaurants.
Your girl looks like an 8, nothing special in FSU.
"Je glissais through the paper wall, an angel in the hand, s taboy. I lay on the floor, surgi des chants de Maldoror, je mix l'intégrale de mes nuits de crystal, i belong to the festival.

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« Reply #47 on: July 12, 2022, 07:41:23 AM »
avoid telling to FSU women that you "I talked about how when I was in the military, I was away from my wife (Now ex-wife.  Separated for 4 years now) for over 6 months.  I said, I kneeled and prayed and cried every night during basic training." 
Women don't like wishy-lavy and weak men, they flee them. Especially FSU women.   
It's not romantical, it's pathetical, and that's an embarrassment for a woman.
If you continue to bring to them your western shit payload all real women will avoid you (this is why she told you "I am not a shrink")
« Last Edit: July 12, 2022, 03:42:25 PM by Patagonie »
"Je glissais through the paper wall, an angel in the hand, s taboy. I lay on the floor, surgi des chants de Maldoror, je mix l'intégrale de mes nuits de crystal, i belong to the festival.

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« Reply #48 on: July 12, 2022, 09:49:45 AM »

you’re looking at this like it’s a “binary” thing, she’s either a “good girl” or she ain’t…
it’s NOT like that AT ALL, and this is what we’re tryin to tell ya

There is one thing “I GUARANTEE” is gonna happen if you pursue this “relationship”
at some point, you’re gonna start spending MONEY ON HER

and when you do, she’ll create “a feedback loop” that increases your happiness
(in your case of SEVERE sexual deprivation, it’ll of course be SEX)
in direct relation to your level of generosity towards her

and if by chance, you pass below the lowest acceptable level of “generosity”
then she’s gonna make you feel – just like ya feel now
CUZ, you are not giving her what SHE WANTS!

and here you are ON THE FIRST STEP of a 7,000+ miles journey...
can't you see this about yourself?

It's highly likely a Moldovan single Mother is gonna have PTSD…
do YOU know how to handle women with PTSD?
If you DON’T, they’ll make your life a LIVING HELL!

And 500 other small details like these, that you have NO CLUE about….

It would be a MUCH wiser choice for you to climb a few local hills FIRST
BEFORE you try to climb freakin' Mt Everest
or you gonna end up as tiger poop, in one way or another...

if you ain't hideously ugly, I'd get a dark Armani suit, gold rimmed aviator sun glasses
one of those $300 haircuts
and go to Uzbeckistans or Kazakhstan, and just "hustle the girls" at the market
100% you'd get some hits

all your credit cards will work there, unlike Russia, for example
Tashkent is now fully westernized, toilette wise....

and PS

in "relationship Algebra"
a woman having a child is a BIG negative, for TWO reasons

#1, you have a child, that's NOT YOURS to support, children are VERY EXPENSIVE!  and what if you DON'T GET ALONG with them (especially as teens)?

#2 squeeze a chicken sized object down a vaginal canal, and whadda ya think happens? now couple that with an average, or below average penis size...  OK, get it?
     I bet you didn't think ABOUT THIS, now did ya?  again, cuz ya don't KNOW EVEN BASIC STUFF, that experienced guys had TO LEARN!!!!

     Imagine your shock at the first time you tried to have sex with her, and it was like sticking a pencil into a train tunnel, vrs glove tight fit of women without kids...
     thank heavens for designer vaginas, "we can build back better"

« Last Edit: July 12, 2022, 11:21:54 AM by krimster2 »

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« Reply #49 on: July 12, 2022, 01:21:17 PM »
Telling an FSU woman that you want to start a relationship by a friendship is a big mistake, that's is the exact opposite of how it should work
in the Eastern European countries.
So she starts to believe that you are a weirdo.
This nonsense comes from your western culture that had washed your brains and cut your balls.
A relationship with an Eastern European woman lands ALWAYS in a bed. The shorter the better. Not too short also because no women want to feel like a slut.

Some great advice Pat all of it. I think for RWO this is the biggest take away that men in the west are socialised not in a good way. Socialisation in the west has changed a lot in recent decades I think and the results are not at all pleasant. A lot of whiney outpourings of emotional content that is supposedly to help connect with each other but is really often getting kind of embarrassing to see especially in men. I'm not saying we don't feel stuff but it's stuff we need to deal with and internalise until we do or at least don't share the full on details of such stuff with a woman or someone where it will get out.

For me getting out to the FSU is a great get away from the bs  I see happening today. Today's youth, particularly men are being brought up with such silly ideas that it's really very concerning. Out in the FSU we can gratefully kiss goodbye to feminism and all sorts of silly stuff they try to push on us men. As I said before it can take a good few days to become acclimatised to FSU culture after living a long period in the west.

The stuff you say about the girl having her own life where she lives is real good stuff too. A lot of guys don't think of that they think they are some kind of gift to her. If she's above average looks then there could be a strong likelyhood that she has stuff going on where she lives. One of the previous girls I met I get a fair inkling now that she was dating at home around/between the time I was seeing her, I can't prove it but being above average looks and some subtle signs now tends to make me think that was the case.
"If you make your own bread, then and only then, are you a free man unchained and alive living in pooty tang paradise, or say no and live in Incel island with all the others." - Krimster


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